• 使光线漫射减弱能量

    Diffusing a light also reduces its power.


  • 持续不断暴力事件使人们反应减弱了。

    The constant repetition of violence has blunted the human response to it.


  • 土壤吸收水分能力减弱使土壤逐渐变得干燥,导致植被进一步减少从而建立了渐进地表退化循环

    The gradual drying of the soil caused by its diminished ability to absorb water results in the further loss of vegetation, so that a cycle of progressive surface deterioration is established.


  • 过量噪音包括机器轰鸣声音乐声过响其他噪音过大,枪声或爆炸声,有可能损害内耳道,使听力减弱

    Excessive noise, including working with noisy machinery, exposure to loud music or other loud noises, such as gunfire or explosions, can damage the inner ear and weaken hearing ability.


  • 这会减弱温室效应给同时使地球降温太快,以致4万1千太阳倾斜不能提供足够热量融化时期的冰川

    This could have weakened the greenhouse effect and cooled the Earth so much that the tilt towards the sun every 41,000 years no longer provided enough heat to melt the glaciers that formed in between.


  • 美国,厄尔尼诺现象通常能为干旱西南部带来有益冬季降水使北方寒冷天气减弱,降低佛罗里达荒野火灾风险

    In the US, it typically brings beneficial winter precipitation to the arid Southwest, less wintry weather across the North, and a reduced risk of Florida wildfires.


  • 使风暴表面冷却,减弱削弱风暴的威力。

    This cools the surface and weakens the storm.


  • 无机剂量100毫克可以通过减弱能量代谢进程使人致死

    Inorganic arsenic in a single dose of about 100 milligrams can kill by shutting down energy metabolism.


  • 使开发企业应用程序尽可能简单增强不是减弱、机械。

    To make developing enterprise applications as simple as possible, but enhancing, rather than sacrificing, power.


  • 比如超重可能引起睡眠呼吸暂停综合症使功能减弱两者都可能损伤重病克服呼吸道感染(流感)能力

    Being overweight can increase sleep apnea and reduce lung function, for example, both of which can impair a heavier person's ability to overcome a respiratory infection like influenza.


  • 研究人员认为,手机辐射可能会刺激大脑应激系统使警觉,精神更集中,放松入睡的能力因此减弱

    It is because cell phones affect the areas of the brain responsible for activating and co-coordinating the stress system, making it harder for people to fall asleep, researchers said.


  • 事件是否使这些设计追求有所减弱有待观察。

    Whether or not the pursuit of these designs is blunted by the Fukushima Daiichi event remains to be seen.


  • 美国一物理学家总在要求好莱坞制作人们电影不切实际科技减弱一些,约束他们自身使每部影片中可出现科学上的错误。

    An American physicist is calling for Hollywood producers to tone down the fanciful science in movies - and restrict themselves to just one scientific flaw per film.


  • 赤足的姿势引起海面拱体、踝骨膝盖大的弯曲更多地利用了足部和腿肚上的肌肉的力量,从而减弱冲击人体产生的影响,使人跑起来更舒服些。

    The unshod runners' style causes more flex in the foot's springlike arch ankle and knee and engages more foot and calf muscles blunting the impact on the body and making for a more comfortable "ride."


  • 有效机制以减弱全球性企业影响力,一些金融方面的规则,使这些企业在造成

    more effective framework for winding down large global firms, along with


  • 容易使企业减弱风险意识甚至形成惧怕风险、回避风险企业文化降低企业风险的敏感性适应性性

    Tend to enable enterprises to reduce risk awareness, or even risk averse, risk-averse corporate culture can be formed, reducing the sensitivity and adaptability to risk.


  • 现在点着蜡烛使火焰减弱些。

    Now light the candle and let it burn down.


  • 玻璃屋顶沿着相邻住宅方向向下倾斜以减弱阴影影响使不会影响到室内的空间体量

    The glazed roof slopes down to the neighbouring property to reduce the impact of overshadowing without compromising the feeling of space and volume internally.


  • 使他的体力减弱了。

    His illness diminished his strength.


  • 气体流量过大反而使损失热量增加使切割能力减弱,直至使切割过程不能正常进行。

    But gas flow rate is too big, but will make arc beam are short and heat loss increased ability to cut down to make cutting process, cannot proceed.


  • 持续放牧已经成为一种稳定影响盐化草场水空间分布结构性因素使盐化草场的水盐空间异质性减弱

    Continuous grazing is a factor that impacts on the spatial distribution and weakens the spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture and salt content in saline grassland.


  • 新的镀层通常初始设计构型使镀层的粘性减弱

    The new plating deposits frequently are thicker than the original design configuration and deterioration of the plating adhesion.


  • 电子居家办公使许多员工产生孤寂与世隔绝从而造成工作积极性减弱使工作效率升反降。

    Telecommuting also makes many employees feel isolated and out of touch, leading to decreased motivation and less, not more productivity.


  • 效唑则使根系生长总体趋于平缓,适当减弱前期生长加强中后期根系生长。

    Uniconazole made root grow more evenly in the whole growth period, namely moderately weakened root growth at early stage and strengthened at late stage.


  • 结果显示先前的研究一致,减弱人们负性情绪使人们摆脱坏心情,似乎增强性情绪没多大影响和作用。

    Their results showed that, in line with previous studies, cats could alleviate negative moods but were unlikely to promote positive moods.


  • 胰岛素信号转导障碍使胰岛素生理作用减弱导致胰岛素抵抗2型糖尿病

    The dysfunction of insulin-signaling transmission weakens insulin physiological function, and leads to insulin resistance and T2DM.


  • 胰岛素信号转导障碍使胰岛素生理作用减弱导致胰岛素抵抗2型糖尿病

    The dysfunction of insulin-signaling transmission weakens insulin physiological function, and leads to insulin resistance and T2DM.


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