即使双子楼最终倒塌了,但它的结构还是救了上千条人命。 它尽可能地抵挡住了热量,使许多在大楼里的人逃到了地面上。
Even though they eventually gave way, the Towers' structure saved thousands of lives by withstanding the heat for as long as they did, allowing many of the buildings' occupants to reach the ground.
即使双子楼最终倒塌了,但它的结构还是救了上千条人命。 它尽可能地抵挡住了热量,使许多在大楼里的人逃到了地面上。
Even though they eventually gave way, the Towers' structure saved thousands of lives by withstanding the heat for as long as they did, allowing many of the buildings' occupants to reach the ground.