高剂量的碘- 131主要通过牛奶传播,使暴露儿童的甲状腺遭受到无法挽回的损伤。
Children exposed to the highest levels of iodine-131, mainly through milk, suffered irreparable harm to their thyroids.
The particular design of muscles and bones in the neck and limbs of the turtle allow that it can draw in its exposed parts such that an attacker can find nothing but hard shell to bite.
Marriages were broken and lives ruined by the revelation of double-dealing.
Their job can expose them to the most gruesome sights and smells.
Many imaging tests are not performed during pregnancy so as not to expose the fetus to radiation.
To convince the cells to become insulin producers, they exposed them to chemicals that stimulate differentiation at specific times over the course of about three weeks.
With your opposite arm, grab the bottom of your chair and pull up while your head still hangs-you'll feel the stretch in the exposed side of your neck-hold for 30 seconds.
Some courts might want to address this irony by saying that the distributor must reserve this right and this ability - and thus must expose itself to a vicarious infringement claim.
There have been fears that cancer could be triggered by the brain's exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted from mobile handsets held to the ear.
When the core is exposed, its radiation heats the ejected gas, making it glow.
The deepest financial crisis in a century has exposed the fragility of a monetary union without a fiscal and economic union.
Iceland's international business people, buoyed by the arguments of academics such as Mr Buiter, believe that the crisis has exposed the dangers of relying on a small, fragile currency.
Since dark ice was exposed earlier and longer in 2010, it absorbed more energy, leading to a longer melt season.
我们已经发布了这一系列蓝图中的第一个,使你可以构建暴露数据和交互给外部服务的Outlook 2007插件。
We delivered the first in a series of such blueprints that enables you to build an add-in to Outlook 2007 that exposes data and interacts with external services.
Globalisation increases competition and exposes weaknesses and poor commercial decisions.
Exposure to indoor air pollution more than doubles the risk of pneumonia and is thus responsible for more than 900 000 of the 2 million annual deaths from pneumonia.
Among men, exposure to this neglected risk factor nearly doubles the risk of chronic respiratory disease.
By building complex, three-dimensional structures that expose the hard rock beneath the sand, Miller said, red grouper create an environment in which seaweed, coral and sponges can thrive.
Leaving an application dormant, idle, or in suspend mode for a long period emulates customers going to lunch or leaving the application suspended over the weekend, and often uncovers some issues.
Health care workers are also encouraged to make sure they are aware of their HIV status so that they can avoid putting themselves at risk of exposure.
Health care workers are also encouraged to make sure they are aware of their HIV status so that they can avoid putting themselves at risk of exposure.