The particular design of muscles and bones in the neck and limbs of the turtle allow that it can draw in its exposed parts such that an attacker can find nothing but hard shell to bite.
Their job can expose them to the most gruesome sights and smells.
Many imaging tests are not performed during pregnancy so as not to expose the fetus to radiation.
There have been fears that cancer could be triggered by the brain's exposure to electromagnetic radiation emitted from mobile handsets held to the ear.
When the core is exposed, its radiation heats the ejected gas, making it glow.
Since dark ice was exposed earlier and longer in 2010, it absorbed more energy, leading to a longer melt season.
There are anxiety-treating medications but the main treatment is behavioral therapy, exposing people very gradually to fear-inducing situations and teaching them coping techniques.
Scambos explains that, although the Northern Hemisphere experienced significant snowfall in early 2010, spring melt was rapid, exposing land surfaces to sunlight sooner than usual.
The building faces west to optimise its exposure to the evening sun, but this orientation also means it looks directly onto a large avenue.
While newly-installed armour protects those inside, the gunner stands with the upper half of his body exposed, making him far more vulnerable to roadside bombs and gunfire.
If too much stress keeps excess cortisol circulating for too long, your immune cells become sluggish and eventually die, leaving you open to infection.
The last basic step is to apply a good moisturizer, which will keep your skin soft, and protect it from the aggressive environmental assaults that it's exposed every day.
Experts believe more people have developed allergies because of changes in our lifestyle which have exposed us to more allergens.
Scenario: Exploring a city on foot is the best way to absorb the local culture. But strolling around also takes time and exposes your skin to UV rays.
Two attempts to deliver samples of icy soil on days when fresh material was exposed were foiled when the samples became stuck inside the scoop.
They expose themselves to similar risks by making the same sorts of loans.
It is your conscious mind that has been educated to think that a cold must follow exposure to a draft. This it is that suggests it to your subconscious mind and brings the cold into being.
In order to rhythm the interior space and to make the loads and the construction process understandable, the wood beams an pillars are kept as visible as possible.
This arrangement exposes the teahouse and gift shop to the road, making them the most public parts of all the functions.
The design is simple, efficient, and robust and is optimized to require minimum maintenance, and minimize the exposure of maintenance staff to potentially hazardous environments.
ISC is the foundation for the efficient international financial market, accelerates the integration proceeding of economy and finance, and, most of all, exposes each economy to the external unrest.