• 使用时间更换刀片

    Used for a period of time, the blade should be replaced.


  • 电池使用时间应该更换

    After a period of use, the batteries should be changed.


  • 还有使用时间管路水泡很多噪音很大。

    In addition.It will have much bubble and in pipe after using a period of time. also it makes noisy. all.


  • 使用时间安全阀小严,调压弹簧变形

    After using period of time, the safety valve shuts young Yan, the accent presses the spring distortion.


  • 破碎机使用时间重新紧固所有紧固件。

    The breaker is used some time later, should fasteners again.


  • 因此空调使用时间换季停机必须清洗

    Therefore, air conditioning in use after period of time or when stop change garments according to the must be cleaned.


  • 但是表面可不行,使用段时间表面出现凹凸不平现象。

    But the surface of the frame, not as strong as that, would be damaged after a period of using, which would degrade the quality of raw tile.


  • 人们使用时间后,引起了国际关注,在九月份加拿大已经宣布-A有毒

    There has been international concern over its use for some time, with Canada declaring Bisphenol-A toxic in September.


  • 现在医务部门使用整形镊子使用时间往往出现夹持物体不牢现象

    At present, the plastic forceps which are used in the medical department generate the phenomenon of unsteady object holding, after the plastic forceps are used for a period of time.


  • 用彩色水泥配置混凝土使用时间表面会产生白霜产生水泥盐析。

    Color cement concrete is prone to form white efflorescence on the surface after a period of time, that is because of the salt out phenomenon of cement.


  • 增压器使用时间后如果更换零件我们建议使用用增压器专供纯正配件

    The turbocharger use for some time, if you want to replace the parts, we recommend that only genuine parts exclusively for use turbocharger.


  • 由于地基变形等原因,地下储油罐使用段时间罐体变位导致原标定的罐失效

    The volume table for oil storage tank will lose efficacy after a period of usage due to factors like foundation deformation.


  • 使用一时间出水量变小起泡效果明显下起泡冲洗干净安装使用

    Some time after installation, if the water output becomes less or the bubbling effect is not obvious, you can remove the bubbling head and have it washed;


  • 工程交付使用段时间由于冻害等原因,渠道衬砌产生不同程度横向纵向不规则裂缝

    Due to cold damage, different cracks, crosswise crack, vertical crack and irregular crack, occurred to varying degree after the project had been used for a while.


  • 通信电源系统实际应用出现蓄电池使用一时间容量不足,达不到设计要求问题

    In practical application of communicative power supply system, the problem often happens that after some time, the group of accumulators 'capacity becomes low, and can't achieve the demand of design.


  • 空调使用时间过滤网蒸发器送风系统上会积聚大量灰尘污垢产生大量细菌病毒

    Air conditioning in the use of a period of time, screen pack, evaporator and air supply systems will build up large dust, dirt, producing a large amount of bacteria, virus.


  • 起重机使用时间出现不同程度大车行走现象尤其是使用多年陈旧桥式起重机。

    Bridge crane in use after period of time, can appear different degree of cart walk chew rail phenomena, especially used for many years of old bridge crane.


  • 某些水泵使用1000小时左右即出现严重的蚀,船舶螺旋桨使用时间后空蚀效率大大降低

    Some pumps used for 1000 hours, the ship propeller in the use of time is also greatly reduced because of the efficiency of air piping.


  • TweetDeck最新版本有些声名狼藉因为使用时间,TweetDeck不小的内存

    The latest version of TweetDeck has become somewhat infamous for how much memory it often eats up after a few hours of continuous usage.


  • 严格使用时间,贴片会逐渐减少尼古丁剂量帮助吸烟者慢慢地改掉这个习惯,而且没有前功尽弃的风险。

    Used properly, over time the patch imparts increasingly smaller doses of nicotine to help the addict gradually break the habit without experiencing the worst symptoms of withdrawal.


  • 锁具使用段时间出现开启顺畅的现象,不要心内滴机油,将滑石粉铅笔心的滑入锁心内即可。

    When used for a time, the lock may not be opened smoothly. Do not dip mechanical oil into the lock. Instead, slip some French chalk or pencil fines into it.


  • 钢厂转炉炉壳与托圈联接方式初始设计联接,该种联接装置使用一段时间发现悬盘悬盘孔的磨损较为严重

    After using this kind of connection equipment for some time, heavy wear was found at pan and the suspending pan hole.


  • 精细滤芯使用段时间后,易被污染物逐渐堵塞,引起压力升高压力达到0.4MPa时,及时更换精细滤芯。

    Dirt might stick to the elements of fine filter, causing a rise of the pressure in the filter bowl. When the pressure hits 0.4mpa, the elements should be the changed in time.


  • 燃气设施使用一段时间后由于各种原因造成漏气损坏需要改建扩建,不可避免动用电焊气焊方法进行动火补焊、碰接及改造。

    Due to various causes such as leakage, damage or alteration, expansion, gas facilities inevitably need fire works such as electric welding and gas welding.


  • 如果使用度器,那么编排时间后自动触发。

    If you use the Scheduler, then the orchestration is triggered automatically after some time.


  • 注意可以使用其他方法来配置DB 2跟踪停止触发器(例如经过时间)。

    Note: You can configure the DB2 trace stop trigger using other methods (for example, after a certain time has elapsed).


  • 我们培训埃塞俄比亚科学家使用卫星雷达技术,这些技术项目结束相当长的一段时间他们可以继续使用

    We will be training Ethiopian scientists in the use of satellite and radar technology - skills they will be able to continue to use long after this programme has ended.


  • 我们培训埃塞俄比亚科学家使用卫星雷达技术,这些技术项目结束相当长的一段时间他们可以继续使用

    We will be training Ethiopian scientists in the use of satellite and radar technology - skills they will be able to continue to use long after this programme has ended.


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