But when it passes through your elbow joint, the nerve is particularly close to the skin-making it a vulnerable target.
All that gas buoys up through the sediments and into the ocean, heating up the deep waters.
Tubes within each device pump air bubbles through to support the autotrophs. This also circulates the sewage to feed the bacteria.
Sometimes it is about getting lorries up roads or across checkpoints, getting cement and equipment in.
Cubans have also discovered a new route to freedom, crossing the sea to Mexico's Yucatan peninsula, then making their way overland to the border with the United States.
But he soon realized that the stray atoms of hydrogen gas would actually go right through the ship traveling close to light speed, and irradiate both crew and electronics in the process.
These waves of curvature in space-time are known as gravitational waves and will temporarily distort any object they pass through.
Spherical Aberration — causes light rays passing through a lens (or reflected from a mirror) at different distances from the optical center to come to focus at different points on the axis.
UVA rays pass right through your car's side and back windows, penetrating your skin and eventually triggering fine lines, spots, and even skin cancer.
An ocean wave passing through deep water causes a particle on the surface to move in a roughly circular orbit, drawing the particle first towards the advancing wave.
Tubes within each device pump air bubbles through to support the autotrophs.This also circulates the sewage to feed the bacteria.
At that moment there was about him that divine something which causes multitudes to stand aside and make way for a man. He traversed the crowd slowly.
From the back door of the farmhouse to the creeping edge of the forest, our yard was bathed in light, as if a borderland to cross carefully, in fear of be-ing exposed.
Advance the gastrojejunostomy catheter over the wire guide through the stomach and into the duodenum, advancing far enough that the locking loop is formed within the stomach.
The building incorporates intuitive navigation systems to encourage to the greatest degree possible, moving through the building itself, as well as the site on foot.
As I walked through the town, I was constantly reminded of my childhood.
They all looked so strange standing there perfectly life-like and also perfectly still, in the bright cold moonlight, that it was eerie work crossing the courtyard.
Participants can be seen as revelers masquerading through the streets in dazzling handmade costumes, dancing to the beat of the Carnival.
The further process of Langemark is based on the architectural walk through the cemetery.
Small fractures in the composites move through the material and rupture the microcapsules, releasing the healing agent.
An ocean wave passing through deep water causes a particle on the surface to move in a roughly circular orbit.
Radiant heat from the Sun can pass through them to warm the Earth below.
For ease of installation, insert all flange bolts through the valve flange and then through the sleeve flange, but do not let the bolts extend beyond the surface of the flange rubber (See Figure 4).
The sunlight, shining through leaves and branches, makes patches of bright light and shadow.
You may just have happened to cross paths with someone who was in a bad mood for reasons unknown to you.
They have a communion with their gatekeeper, who knows what and how much to put through and from whom.
They have a communion with their gatekeeper, who knows what and how much to put through and from whom.