• 那次事故使落下了残疾。

    The accident left him physically handicapped.


  • 这个想法使崩溃了,茫然走开了眼泪顺着脸颊

    This thought broke her down, and she wandered away, with tears rolling down her cheeks.


  • 鞋子设计,而这个降落伞的设计,以之见,我们首先使降落伞落下因为不会破碎,而另外一个破碎,到桌子上面去吗?

    It's a shoe design, this one is a parachute design I say we drop this parachute first, because it may not break, the other one may break, I'll suggest that you actually just get up on the table?


  • 伴星爆炸之前,气体可能曾经冲向恒星VFTS 102,致使该恒星旋转加快极速,就落下使水轮旋转一样。

    Before the explosion, the companion star may have dumped gas onto VFTS 102, spinning it up to extreme speed the way falling water makes a water wheel turn.


  • 巨大的青铜雕塑就天空流星雨一同坠落下来的,使这样幼稚的感觉有些笨拙时空错乱甚至是粗鄙的。

    His huge bronzes seemed to drop from the sky in great meteor showers and felt to my young mind rather clumsy and anachronistic, even provincial.


  • 转过了巷以后,远处通气洞光线就消失了,黑幕又在前面落下使再次失明。

    When he had turned the Angle of the gallery, the distant glimmer of an air-hole disappeared, the curtain of obscurity fell upon him once more, and he became blind again.


  • 使他们四围成为福源,我也必叫时雨落下必有福如甘霖而

    And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing.


  • 这儿不是而是雾”,雾气你的头顶上悬浮着,使整座海港沐浴灰蒙蒙光线中,“雾滴”细小水滴的形式雨伞上滑落下来。

    Rather it mists, it dribbles, it hangs overhead, bathing the harbor in a clear gray light, running off umbrellas in tiny little droplets.


  • 吹动脚下积雪,雪花随风飘动,使发痒刺痛,它们发出含混的啸声,被风卷到空中又纷纷扬扬地落下,裂成碎屑洒下来

    The snow under foot scurries before the wind, blows, tickles, stings, lisps away, whirls aloft, showers, splinters, sprays down.


  • 随着太阳落下地平线使animateColor改变天空颜色通过变化月亮星星不透明性使它们渐渐显现出来。

    As the sun sinks over the horizon, animateColor is used to change the sky's color, and the moon and the stars fade in by animating their opacity.


  • 如果使滴血落下,你将会失去所有土地

    If you let one drop of his blood fall, you will lose all your land and all your money.


  • 2011年2月22日,6.3级地震不仅摧毁了新西兰城市克里斯特彻奇(基督城),而且破坏了斯曼冰川使3000万吨的冰层落下

    The magnitude 6.3 earthquake that ravaged Christchurch, New Zealand, on February 22, 2011, also broke a 30 million-ton piece of ice off the Tasman Glacier.


  • 以前的生活召唤使这些曾经发生身上最好的事中来。

    My previous life was calling and I slipped away from the best thing that ever happened to me.


  • 咒语力量使上空英尺树枝分了叉,伴着猫头鹰的嘶叫碰裂坠周围一切都预示威胁存在

    The curse caused a branch nearby to come crashing down from ten feet above them, the hoots of an angry owl the only sign that any threat had been there.


  • 个子坐在狭小座舱里那超乎常人反应能力,使那些适合这项竞赛的外星选手一较高下时也不落下风。

    His small frame allowed him to sit in the tiny cockpit, and his superhuman reflexes gave him the advantage he needed to keep up with alien competitors better suited to the sport.


  • 牛顿认识到为了使物体运动无论是一个苹果树上落下还是海洋中的潮存在

    Newton realized that in order to get an object to move, whether it was an apple that fell out of a tree or the tides that rose in the oceans, there had to be a force present.


  • 秋天空气使树叶干枯,很快就要落下啦。

    The autumn air has crisped up the leaves ready to fall.


  • 后来看到鱼跃水面落下一动不动地悬在半空中一刹那,他确信此中准什么莫大的奥秘,使他无法相信

    Then when he had seen the fish come out of the water and hang motionless in the sky before he fell, he was sure there was some great strangeness and he could not believe it.


  • 突然落下倾盆大雨使野餐人感到扫兴

    The sudden downpour put a chill into the picnickers.


  • 不巧地,天上又落下雨滴使我们狼狈极了

    Unluckily , raindrops the size of peas starts falling, we are in great confusion.


  • 自己能,使凝结,冰雹如碎石落下

    By his greatness he hath fixed the clouds, and the hailstones are broken.


  • 任务操作方块他们顶部落下使每一行空空间

    Your mission is to operate the blocks while they are falling down from the top, so that each line of empty space is filled.


  • 可能有助于防止或者为了使能够重新定位自己

    Foot boards may help to prevent you from slipping down the bed or to enable you to re-position yourself.


  • 任务去操作方块,而他们从顶部落下使一行空空间满。

    More than the margins, it is the top line that will see improvement, to start with.


  • 领土之广使太阳永不会从帝国落下

    The sun always shone and never set on the empire.


  • 更为危险那些冬天雪板然后一个晴朗的春日太阳温暖使雪板松动,迅速地下面的山谷去。

    More serious are the slabs of snow that get very deep during winter. (2) Then, on a pleasant spring day, the warmth of the sun loosens the slab and it drops quickly to the valley below.


  • 突然使骑手落下来。

    Suddenly the horse jumped up and tipped its rider off.


  • 突然使骑手落下来。

    Suddenly the horse jumped up and tipped its rider off.


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