Fourth, metrics and performance expectations for returns management must be aligned across functional areas and with overall supply chain strategy.
To manage business performance of the supply chain and to further optimize it, a powerful reporting solution needs to sit on top of the data warehouse.
The article introduces the construction of supply chain operations reference model, and the difference with other models, and the role in supply chain management.
And combined with the example, discussing the application and features of SVR in evaluation of supply chain management performance.
Relationship among internal stakeholders, resource commitment, and green supply chain management performance is analyzed in 108 enterprises in the Pearl River Delta region, Guangdong Province.
So effective performance evaluation of supply chains is the key to supply chain management.
The main part of this paper, from the third part through the sixth, discussed the construct, operation, performance measurement and improving strategies of supermarket-chain enterprises' supply chain.
SCOR model has been adopted by numerous industry leaders to manage global supply chains and use it to analyze and improve the supply chain performance.
In the chapter of performance evaluate, the thesis proposes the index of green supply chain logistics management and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.
It is also an important part of evaluating SCM system performance.
Finally, it designs and develops a software prototype of the performance evaluation of GSCM.
How to improve the performance of supply chain at distribution stage is discussed from the point of view of value chain and knowledge management.
This CPSM course focuses on leadership in supply management world class best practices and includes a comprehensive body of knowledge in the Leadership of Supply Chain Management.
How to measure the existing supply chain performance and how to bring up a successful supply chain are interesting problems to management scholars concerned.
Supply chain partnership is an important factor of performance in supply chain operations. Strengthening supply chain partnership management is significant.
The building of supply chain performance evaluation system can strictly asses and evaluate supply chain management, and direct manager to make decisions.
Performance evaluation is vital to the operation and management in supply chain.
The proportions of the indexes are obtained, which provides basis for enterprises to conduct management and make decisions.
Supply chain control is a very important tache in supply chain management, at the same time, supply chain control and supply chain performance evaluation influence each other significantly.
Supply chain control is a very important tache in supply chain management, at the same time, supply chain control a.
The paper explores the relevant content of this new evaluation system in supply chain management.
Information is crucial to the performance of a supply chain because it provides the facts that supply chain managers use to make decisions.
Appraise system on the basis of supply with chain to design business strategy cost of management can make enterprise's grasping operation efficiency on the whole to come.
Supply chain performance evaluation also named implement evaluation or performance evaluation, is to investigate the result of the implement of SCM.
The performance evaluation of integrated supply chain is not only the foundation of realizing supply chain optimization and valid motivation, but also is an important part of SCM.
Literatures on supply chain management have been focused on the technologies and operation strategies but little on the performance measurement.
This paper consists of six chapters: chapter 1 tells the functions of performance management for enterprise and supplier chain management for industry of t company.
This paper consists of six chapters: chapter 1 tells the functions of performance management for enterprise and supplier chain management for industry of t company.