• 依据法律所有外国人必须到达后周内登记

    According to the law, all foreigners have to register with the local police within two weeks of arrival.


  • 这份合同依据法律草拟妥当。

    The contract had been validly drawn up.


  • 依据法律认定被告人无罪的,应当作出无罪判决;

    If the defendant is found innocent in accordance with law, he shall be pronounced innocent accordingly;


  • 依据法律前排座位老人残疾人专用。

    It's the Law Front Seats must be vacated for seniors and persons with disability.


  • 法律救济依据法律权利冲突解决

    The legal relief refers to resolving the right conflict by law.


  • 遵守法律依据法律职业要求进行披露

    Shall observe the law and make disclosures expected by the law and the profession.


  • 依据法律, 青少年6至16接受810教育

    The law requires eight to ten years of schooling, from the ages 6-16.


  • 辅导员认为他人处在伤害危险依据法律被允许告知信息

    A counselor who thinks that someone is at risk of being harmed is required by law to share that information.


  • 认为有效解决方式必须依据法律公共意识

    In my opinion, the more effective solvation should base on the law and public supervision.


  • 无论是依据法律OA征得著作权公共领域通常前者

    The legal basis of OA is either the consent of the copyright holder or the public domain, usually the former.


  • 教学中学生权利研究依据法律不能拘泥和局限于法律条文

    To study the students' right in teaching activities, we must refer to the law in our country but can not be limited to the legal provisions at the same time.


  • 一句"不想具体事件发表评论",另一句"我们依据法律证据处理问题。"

    The first is, "I refrain from making comments on a specific issue," and "We're dealing with the matter based on laws and evidence," Yanagida said.


  • 建立明确法律关系同时球员经纪人依据法律,本着公平原则保护客户的利益。

    The playersagent shall protect theinterests of his client in compliance with the law and a sense of fairness, while creating clear legal relations.


  • 任何机关农民或者农业生产经营组织进行罚款处罚必须依据法律法规规定

    Any imposition of fines upon peasants or agricultural production and operation organizations by State organs must be based on the provisions of laws or regulations.


  • 任何机关或者单位农民或者农业生产经营组织进行罚款处罚必须依据法律法规、规章规定

    Any government department or unit that is to impose fines on farmers or agricultural production and operation organizations shall do so in accordance with the provisions of laws, rule and regulations.


  • 商事登记制度国家登记主管机关依据法律主体设立、变更、终止资格进行确认的制度。

    Business registration order is a system of the states governing institutes of registration that legally confirm the establishment, modification and qualifying expiry of dealers.


  • 我会法律方面进行考虑,但是不会完全依据法律条款(文字)。我会基于可能性较高者做出决定

    I will consider what the law says, however, I do not have stick to the letter of the law, it can be based on the balance of probability.


  • 依据法律职业化形成概念特征我国法律职业化的几个障碍性因素进行剖析,我国应加强法律职业化建设

    Th is essay gives an analysis of its obstacle factors around the form, conception and feature of law professionalism, and also shows its own ideas of law professionalism building.


  • 知道作为注册地点特拉华州公司CEO依据法律,在公司破产时必须首先考虑债权人的利益而不是公司股东的损失。

    He also knew that as the CEO of a company incorporated in Delaware, he was obliged by law to consider the interests of creditors over shareholders if his company faced insolvency.


  • 在此项法律出台时已经96%芬兰居民享有网络接入服务,需要为大约4000个家庭依据法律建立网络连接

    Up to 96 per cent of the population is already online and only about 4,000 homes will need to be connected to comply with the law.


  • 由于公证性质特殊性,因此,“公证人特殊法律人职业依据法律规定按照法定程序指引相关社会行为

    Because of the particularity of notarization character, "notary" is a kind of special and legal occupation, which will guide relatively social behaviors according to legal procedures and laws.


  • 五月依据法律Alcatel-Lucent 一家通讯设备零件制造商首席执行官PatriciaRusso修改了雇用合同

    At the end of May, to comply with the law, Alcatel-Lucent, a maker of telecoms gear, changed its contract with its chief executive, Patricia Russo.


  • 依据法律衡平法,“协议”所述的赔偿其它得的赔偿应当累积的,本“协议规定的赔偿之外,或现在此后可得的赔偿之外。

    All remedies specified herein or otherwise available shall be cumulative and in addition to any and every other remedy provided hereunder or now or hereafter available at law or in equity.


  • 中国南海主权及相关权利管辖权有着充分历史法律依据

    China's sovereignty, rights and jurisdiction over the South China Sea are based on sufficient historical and legal grounds.


  • 现在倡导者们担心周五判决将会产生负面影响那些不想艾滋病雇主提供了法律依据

    Now advocates worry that Friday’s ruling will have the opposite effect, providing legal cover for employers who do not want to hire people with H.I.V.


  • 国美回应他们不能提供自己没有掌握的信息- - -一理由或许会为其提供法律依据但是不能让人信服的。

    Gome's response is that it cannot provide information it does not have-an argument that may provide legal cover, but is hardly reassuring.


  • 国美回应他们不能提供自己没有掌握的信息- - -一理由或许会为其提供法律依据但是不能让人信服的。

    Gome's response is that it cannot provide information it does not have-an argument that may provide legal cover, but is hardly reassuring.


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