• 英俊侧面轮廓我们

    His handsome profile was turned away from us.


  • 张照片侧面显示女孩

    This picture shows the girl in profile.


  • 他们沿着侧面继续前进。

    They continued along the flank of the mountain.


  • 炸弹烧焦建筑物侧面

    The bomb scorched the side of the building.


  • 汽车侧面一道划痕。

    There's a scratch on the side of my car.


  • 压缩气体喷流侧面正面稳定机身

    Jets of compressed air gave the aircraft lateral and directional stability.


  • 侧面石头击中。

    The stone caught him on the side of the head.


  • 厨房房子侧面

    The kitchen door is at the side of the house.


  • 辆车侧面撞了我们

    The car hit us side-on.


  • 这辆凯迪拉克侧面撞上了一辆福特雅仕车

    The Cadillac slammed broadside into a Ford Escort.


  • 池子玻璃纤维侧面了,已经了出来

    The pool's fibreglass sides had cracked and the water had leaked out.


  • 那位老人撩起开襟毛衣了挠身子侧面

    The old man lifted his cardigan to scratch his side.


  • 裙子侧面开口的。

    The skirt has a side opening.


  • 房子侧面

    The picture shows a side view of the house.


  • 反光一个紧紧地固定在宇宙飞船各个侧面

    The reflector is held onto the sides of the spacecraft with a frame.


  • 一张照片照楼房侧面第二张照是楼房正面。

    The first picture was taken from the side of the building, and the second one endways on.


  • 组装之前隔板底座侧面已开槽以便与背板相嵌

    Prior to assembly, grooves were made in the shelf, base, and sides to accommodate the back panel.


  • 侧面了一下,然后仰面摔倒了,让其余人乐不可支

    I stumbled sideways before landing flat on my back, much to the amusement of the rest of the guys.


  • 的运煤列车撞上小汽车侧面,将其推出了86英尺

    The empty coal train broadsided the car and pushed it about 86 feet.


  • 第二不要后面窗户侧面说话

    Second, don't talk to the wall in the back or to the window or to the side.


  • 约翰,船的侧面下去了!

    There's my boat, John, with her sides stove in!


  • 就是侧面踢腿

    This is side kicking.


  • 侧面怎么样?

    Well, what about the sides?


  • 瞳孔横向伸展时候,更多能够前面后面侧面进入

    When stretched horizontally, the pupils allow for more light to enter from the front, back, and sides.


  • 只独角兽看见侧面数字时,开始兴奋上跳下。

    When the unicorn saw the number stuck to my side, it started bouncing up and down in excitement.


  • 日本寺庙建筑屋顶可以比建筑侧面多向外伸出50%以上宽度

    The roof of a Japanese temple building can be made to overhang the sides of the structure by fifty per cent or more of the building's overall width.


  • 剁碎切片切碎物体刀片侧面可以用于大蒜一些香料

    Use this knife to chop, slice and mince; the side of the blade can be used for crushing garlic and some spices.


  • 起来露出一个形状优美小宝箱,宝箱的底部侧面都是松木瓦做的。

    He took it up and disclosed a shapely little treasure-house whose bottom and sides were of shingles.


  • 侧面这座宝塔就像在跳——楼都朝着上下相邻楼层相反方向移动。

    Viewed from the side, the pagoda seemed to be doing a snake dance—with each consecutive floor moving in the opposite direction to its neighbours above and below.


  • 侧面不同角度切割圆锥便会得到不同椭圆直到切割角度超过圆锥体侧边角度。

    Cutting the cone at various angles gives you various shapes of ellipse. Until the angle of your cut exceeds the angle of the side of the cone.


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