• 德军俯冲轰炸已经连续空袭这个港口了。

    The port had been attacked by German dive bombers for the past five days.


  • 俄军不得不派出战斗俯冲轰炸以重新夺回城市控制

    The Russians had to dive-bomb the cities to regain control.


  • 拍打巨大的跟上研究他们一会儿。它发出刺耳尖叫声(因此得名)后转身喷气式战斗一样俯冲着离开

    It studies them a moment, beating its huge wing membranes to keep up. It lets out a piercing shriek (hence the name) and then Banks away, diving like a jet fighter.


  • 武装直升俯冲追逐树干闪躲穿行

    The gunships dive to give chase, dodging and weaving through the trunks.


  • 面对如此生死攸关的选择它们滑翔一样一飞冲天,会像隐形一样快速冲刺,而且它们飞过脏乱的猪圈窝时,会变成架非常牛逼的俯冲轰炸

    Redeemed by such a critical choice, they'll soar like a glider, race like a Stealth, and, when overflying a barnyard or kennel, turn into a wicked-awesome dive bomber.


  • 女孩们飙舞时,简洁直率她们跳舞跳得轻快不是那种用俯冲摄像霓虹干冰营造出来“跳出贫民窟”的类型电影。

    All-girl troupe battles have blunt immediacy; they're briskly edited, but lacking the swooping cameras, neon and dry ice of the dance-out-of-the-slums genre.


  • 地方长官及其属下抬头张望之际,在荷兰军官•范霍夫(Janvan Hoof)呼叫下,F-16呼啸至巴格兰上空。 群加大油门俯冲直下,震耳欲聋的轰鸣声摄人心魄,令人难忘。

    As the governor and his officials looked on, Jan van Hoof, a Dutch commander, called in a group of F-16 fighter jets, which swooped over the city of Baghlan, their thunderous afterburners engaged.


  • 直升垂直俯冲距离垂直爬升距离相同时拉起恢复水平直线飞行

    The helicopter is allowed to fall the same distance that it climbed at the beginning of the maneuver before pulling the helicopter back to straight and level flight.


  • 红色尾翼》一系列的空战场景飞行员驾驶战斗俯冲等场景,给人。

    "During its scenes of aerial combat, Red Tails offers swooping excitement from a pilot's eye view. "—— USA Today.


  • 俯冲轰炸一位受人尊敬战争爆发之前,德国达到几乎传奇地位早期打击波兰其他国家

    Dive bombers were a respected aircraft type before the war, and the German Stuka attained almost legendary status in the early fighting against Poland and other countries.


  • 怀特兄弟还是重新使用手动滑翔沙丘上俯冲而下。

    The Wrights also returned to flying unpowered gliders off dunes.


  • 装备(潜水轰炸?)相比其他俯冲轰炸再次横线蔓延用来显示相对距离

    When armament (on a dive bomber?) is compared with other dive bombers, again horizontal bars with a spread are used to show the relative distance.


  • 大家以为只是盟军返回基地,不料却是二十六德国可怕俯冲轰炸,而且是以福伊尔·班克号为目标。

    These were at first thought to be Allied aircraft returning to base, but they turned out to be 26 of Germany's most feared dive bombers intent on "getting" the Foylebank.


  • 复制品爱知县山谷俯冲轰炸,这是一用于日本偷袭珍珠港,建造Vultee电信- 15教练重新引擎版本BT - 13勇敢

    This is a replica Aichi Val dive bomber, a type used during Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, built from a Vultee BT-15 trainer, a re-engined version of the BT-13 Valiant.


  • 复制品爱知县山谷俯冲轰炸,这是一用于日本偷袭珍珠港,建造Vultee电信- 15教练重新引擎版本BT - 13勇敢

    This is a replica Aichi Val dive bomber, a type used during Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor, built from a Vultee BT-15 trainer, a re-engined version of the BT-13 Valiant.


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