The origination of the magma is related with the dehydration of the subducting plate of the Paleozoic Tethys Sea.
In addition, mixing between abyssal sediments on the subducted plate and basic magma is also a factor that can not be negligible.
Then the next instance of subduction occurs years later, and the lip of the subducting plate pushes further, but what happens to the rumpling that occurred the first time?
These characteristics reflect that couplings between the upper arc and the subduction slab of the Ryukyu trench are weak relative to other common trenches, and themselves weaken toward to the south.
认为愈来愈多的地球科学问题 ,如地震的发生机制、俯冲板块动力学等 ,集中在俯冲板块边界 ;
More and more geological issues, e. g. mechanism of earthquake, subduction dynamics, etc. , are focused on the boundaries of subduction zone.
Fluid released during the high pressure and ultrahigh pressure metamorphism plays an important role in the evolution of subducted slab and may connect directly with igneous activity in island arcs.
The weak couplings are in agreement with such tectonic features as young subduction slab, weak flexure strength, large subduction Angle, trench retreating, arc rifting and backarc extension.
Basically, a subduction zone is where two tectonic plates collide.
Megathrusts are created in subduction zones—land plate boundaries where two plates converge.
Volcanism at Sabancaya is fueled by magma generated at the subduction zone between the Nazca and South American tectonic plates.
板块的水平程度可能取决于一个被称为胡安 · 费尔南德斯脊的海底山脉的俯冲作用。
The levelness may be due to the subduction of a submarine mountain range known as the Juan Fernández Ridge.
The geology of this part of the Andes is a result of the eastward subduction of the Nazca tectonic plate underneath South America.
The magnitude-8.8 quake was a type called a "megathrust, " considered the most powerful earthquake on the planet.
The magnitude-8.8 quake was a type called a "megathrust," considered the most powerful earthquake on the planet.
The major earthquakes and active volcanoes occurring there are caused by the westward movement of the Pacific tectonic plate and other plates leading to subduction under Asia.
In 2007, off the coast of Japan, it became the first mission to study subduction zones, the area between tectonic plates that is the birthplace of many earthquakes.
The 8.9 magnitude earthquake on Friday, the largest ever recorded in Japan, occurred in a subduction zone, where one of the earth’s tectonic plates is sliding beneath another.
This is called a subduction zone when one plate subducts beneath another.
They are also found in volcanic “back-arc” basins behind ocean trenches, where one tectonic plate is sliding beneath another.
This process—subduction—typically creates volcanoes, but the volcanoes that rise from this arid landscape are not the typical kind.
Just off its coast is the Nazca plate, which rests below the south-eastern Pacific Ocean and slides beneath the South American tectonic plate by some 9 centimetres a year.
The quake happened along a seam in the planet's surface where the Pacific Ocean floor is diving beneath the tectonic plate carrying northern Japan (see 'Collision zone').
For the North island, the volcano chain runs down the center of the island, as this is where subduction of the Pacific Plate creates the greatest pressure, well inland.
Per the Zetas, this was due to the nature of the plate adjustments, which involved subduction, a lateral movement, rather than rising or falling land under water.
Therefore the formation of these rocks is related to plate subduction.
The deepest earthquakes typically occur at plate boundaries where the earth's crust is being subducted into the earth's mantle.
This type of faulting is common in areas of compression, such as regions where one plate is being subducted under another as in Japan.
In the arc petrogenesis system such melting conditions are most likely to occur in the initial stage of slab subduction.
In the arc petrogenesis system such melting conditions are most likely to occur in the initial stage of slab subduction.