First, competitiveness is a woolly concept that wrongly supposes countries, like football teams, win only when another team loses.
It assumes that you are already familiar with system and database concepts.
It is assumed that you have basic knowledge of UNIX programming and file system concepts.
First, competitiveness is a woolly concept that wrongly supposes countries, like football teams, win only when another team loses. But one country's economic growth does not subtract from another's.
This article assumes that you are familiar with LotusScript and the concept of object models.
This article assumes that you have a general familiarity with Web services concepts and standards.
For this discussion, I will assume that you are familiar with basic web service concepts such as SOAP, WSDL, and XML.
The following paragraphs will help you understand how all the concepts of the model can be realized in a hypothetical environment.
Imagine that they were modeling the concepts of work product, role, and task using UML.
This article assumes you are familiar with the basics of SCA, including the concepts of modules and references.
Our bodies have no centrality either. Bodies and minds blur across each others' supposed boundaries.
本教程假定您在使用Linux,但基本的概念适用且演示代码可被移植到任何支持Informix 的系统。
This tutorial assumes you are using Linux, but the basic concepts apply and the demo code can be ported to any system that supports Informix.
However, many of the basic concepts in Dan's article apply, and we assume here that you are familiar with the concepts behind developing, deploying, and testing a simple mediation handler.
This model introduces the idea of choosing period and makes assumption on certain groups of people so as to more effectively calculate the gu.
Epistemology model, ontology suppose, psychological modeling view and multidimensional interpretive framework are the four major theories about conceptual change.
That is if the concept of absolute confinement is introduced, we must discard a part of elementary hypothesis of spectral representation theory.
In chapter 1, some principle conceptions are defined, and a basic hypothesize is given.
A working knowledge of basic computer science concepts and XML, including XML namespaces, is also assumed.
It is assumed that readers will be familiar with the terms and concepts described in the first volume of this work.
In its primary and immediate aspect the Teleological relation is external design, and the notion confronts a presupposed object.
Based on the deflection curve of a built - in beam, the concept of imaginary tails was presented clearly. It supposed that each car had an imaginary tail.
It is assumed that readers have some previous programming experience in at least one computer language and are familiar with basic concepts such as data types, flow control, and functions.
It is assumed that readers have some previous programming experience in at least one computer language and are familiar with basic concepts such as data types, flow control, and functions.