The underlying method is based on the simple wave solutions of a system of hyperbolic partial differential equations.
The dynamic equation of motion chain is a group of high non-linear differential equations, the solution is difficulty.
The mathematical model describing the profiles of concentration in the cylindrical catalyst is the nonlinear partial differential equations of second order.
Following the theory on characteristics of first order quasi-linear partial differential equations, classification of the balance equations for two-phase flow in interior ballistics is discussed.
This model consists the hyperbolic partial differential equations, boundary conditions and cyclical conditions of the system.
Because the determining systems are a linear or nonlinear overdetermined PDEs, it is very hard to solve them completely.
The numerical solution of the governing equations, pertaining to one-dimensional unsteady gas dynamics, utilizes an implicit finite-difference scheme combined with the method of characteristics.
The body-fitted computational grid for twisted channels of a centrifugal impeller is generated by solving elliptic partial differential equations directly, so that the grid lines are smooth.
On this heat transfer model the differential equations were based, and the finite difference complete concealed grids were used in the numerical analysis computation.
Telegraph equations, can be looked as cascade connection of two-port network of lumped circuit of transmission line, is a hyperbolic partial differential equations.
This paper performs one-way wave decomposition for 3d wave equation, and 2 kinds of high approximation of up-going wave equation in low order differential equation system are derived.
The mathematical model of the temperature distribution based on the analysis of material and energy flow in a molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) is a set of partial difference equation group.
In this paper, an abstract mixed problem of a class parabolic differential equations is generalized from the dam body temperature during the stratified placement of concrete dam.
By means of the material and energy balances, this paper establishes a mathematical model to describe the tubular hot-sensitive sensor with immobilized enzyme.
An iterative time-sharing method suitable for the solution of parabolic differential equations on a small scale digital-analog hybrid computing system is presented.
A set of linear ordinary differential equations in the case of sm all deflections is determined by application of the Galerkin's method.
The paper has used concise methods of logical analysis and reasoning to describe the relation between the first-order quasilinear partial differential equation and its system of characteristic...
The equations of nonlinear viscouselastic beam are considered, The existence of absorbing set and inertial manifolds for the system are obtained, and from which we get that the P D E.
The equations of nonlinear viscouselastic beam are considered, The existence of absorbing set and inertial manifolds for the system are obtained, and from which we get that the P D E.