• 参数设计产品健壮设计中的重要阶段

    Parameter design is the most important stage in product robust design.


  • 提出一种基于集成替代模型产品健壮设计方法

    An approach to product robust design based on integrated surrogate models is proposed.


  • 本文质量工程观出发介绍健壮设计机理

    Starting from the view of the quality engineering, this paper introduces mechanism of the robust design.


  • 阐述当前可靠性工程热门分析技术,为裕度设计健壮设计提供依据

    A pop analysis technology in the reliability engineering was proposed in this paper. It gave some evidence on the redundancy design and the robust design.


  • 设计准则基础上,建立产品健壮设计分位数优化模型保证了所设计产品抗干扰能力可靠度

    Based on the proposed rules, the percentile based optimization model for robust design was presented, which assured a product's reliability and quality robustness to the noise.


  • 茶杯托架设计研究对象,最终设计方案的创新性实用性,也表明了基于使用方式的产品健壮设计方法具有良好理论价值和应用前景。

    Taking the cup holder as an example, the innovation and practicality of the final design showed that the product robust design based on using-way had a good theoretical and pertinent prospect.


  • 真正优势在于设计以前以后设计其他任何文本编码相比UTF-8一种健壮、更容易解释的格式

    The real kicker is that by design, UTF-8 is a much more robust and easily interpretable format than any other text encoding designed before or since.


  • 自动化设计架构工具应该使得开发更加迅速更加简单,并且能帮助优化代码模型的质量健壮性和价值

    Automated design and construction tools should make development faster and easier, and help you maximize quality, robustness, reusability, and the value of both your code and your models.


  • 这些步骤形成各种MDA项目基础加上典型重复设计削减风险的开发实践时,这些步骤会为MDA方法提供健壮指导

    These steps form the basis of various MDA projects, and when coupled with typical iterative design and risk-reducing development practices, they offer a robust guide to the MDA approach.


  • 他们见到如何设计实现健壮产品并且他们发现工具多么有价值

    They saw how to design and implement a robust product, and they found out how valuable tools can be.


  • 所以,基于CSP应用程序设计特别简单并且易于理解,并且在进行维护时候非常健壮

    As a result, application designs based on CSP are exceptionally simplified and easy-to-understand, as well as being very robust when it comes to maintenance.


  • 那些拥有健壮架构设计准则的技术,会构建易于维护重用以及扩展应用系统大有裨益。

    These choices, backed by sound architectural and design principles, go a long way in building applications that are easy to maintain, reuse, and extend.


  • 虽然没有过多地介绍错误捕捉(error catching),但是此处的设计非常健壮,可以返回没有使用cookie正确行为

    While I have not shown much error catching, the design involved is robust in falling back to correct behavior where cookies are not available.


  • 使用VoiceToolkit、VoiceServerSDKVoiceXML可以设计健壮的、使用相同基础结构逻辑语音界面只需添加新的表示标记即可

    Using the Voice Toolkit, Voice Server SDK, and VoiceXML, you can design robust speech interfaces using the same infrastructure and logic, just by adding a new set of presentation markup.


  • 我们认为BlazeDS是个健壮设计良好组件,它可以要求很高企业应用中。

    We believe that BlazeDS is a robust and well designed component that can be utilized in very serious enterprise applications.


  • 本文介绍了Rational Software Architect对于服务解决方案设计支持以及如何利用功能构建健壮企业级服务模型。

    This article describes Rational Software Architect's support for service solution design and how the capabilities can be used to build robust, enterprise-scale service models.


  • 要想达到这样稳定性水平首先要健壮数据库引擎设计(正是Informix特色),但是只是开始

    Achieving this level of stability starts with robust database engine design (a hallmark of Informix), but that is usually just the beginning.


  • 觉得证明设计健壮性,尽管这同时也提醒我,日志记录功能增强一些可能更好

    I feel that this shows the robustness of the design, although in retrospect maybe a bit more logging would have been useful.


  • 这种增强通信可以帮助设计健壮服务,还可以帮助概念阶段获得设计权利

    This enhanced communication helps in designing robust services and in getting the design right at the concept phase.


  • 当然更加健壮数据资料库接口需要关注要比原来那些有限本地访问设计部署的东西要少

    Of course, your more robust data repositories and interfaces will require less attention than those which were formerly designed and deployed for limited, local access.


  • 不仅仅具有高效初始细化阶段从而更多预算留给系统测试但是构建一个健壮系统上我们设计更加成功的。

    Not only did having efficient inception and elaboration phases leave more budget for testing the system, but our design succeeded better at building a robust system.


  • 核心强大的J2EE引擎,该引擎设计用来获得可伸缩性健壮

    At its core is a powerful J2EE engine designed for high scalability and robustness.


  • 最后可以使构架人员设计人员能够看到完整最终系统范围,改进架构和系统设计健壮

    Finally, it enables the architects and designers to see the entire eventual scope of the system, so far as it is known, facilitating robust choices for the architecture and system design.


  • 此种抽象要求具备完全面向对象程序设计语言功能一个具有健壮映射方法的语言。

    Such abstraction would require the capabilities of a full-fledged object-oriented programming language? One that is replete with robust reflection methods.


  • 意味着UI设计人员开发人员现在拥有了一种固定健壮平台能够真正地创建创建充分利用高级即时客户端交互客户应用程序

    This means UI designers and developers now have a fixed, robust platform and can feasibly create rich client applications that leverage advanced, instantaneous, client-side interactions.


  • IBCWeb站点结构样式使用基于标准方式使我们能够创建具有以下性质的健壮设计

    Using a standards-based approach to the structure and style of the IBC Web site let us create a robust design that


  • BizTalkServer编制引擎一个健壮编制引擎,它被设计用来支持企业级集成场景

    The BizTalk Server orchestration engine is a robust orchestration engine designed to support enterprise class integration scenario.


  • 随着浏览器大战接近尾声用户界面(UI)设计人员开发人员现在可以借助相当稳定的、健壮平台创建更好Web应用程序

    As the browser wars come to a close, user interface (UI) designers and developers are left with a fairly fixed, robust platform on which to create better Web applications.


  • 实践证明,研究工作具有很强实用性普遍性设计出来系统具有灵活健壮可复用性强等特点。

    In practice, the research carries very strong practicality and catholicity, systems designed by the design style are flexible, robust and reusable.


  • 实践证明,研究工作具有很强实用性普遍性设计出来系统具有灵活健壮可复用性强等特点。

    In practice, the research carries very strong practicality and catholicity, systems designed by the design style are flexible, robust and reusable.


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