• 意思不是偶然事物仅仅属于我们主观表象因此为了求得真理,只须完全排斥偶然性就行

    That, however, is far from meaning that the contingent belongs to our subjective conception alone, and must therefore be simply set aside, if we wish to get at the truth.


  • 他们的束缚中解脱目的是,自然事物机会之上舞动在,一个天堂意外伤舞动,天堂纯洁,天堂的偶然性,天堂的丰富。

    Redeemed from their bondage under purpose the things of nature dance on the feet of chance and above each one the heaven accident, the heaven innocence, the heaven contingency, the heaven exuberance.


  • 施乐认为,公司偶然发现容量办公打印机不景气市场带来活力的热门事物就是彩色

    Xerox thinks it has hit on something big to breathe life into the ailing market for high-volume office printers: it's called color.


  • 可靠性工程基础理论事情更加简单绝非偶然句话说,事物复杂,出现意外可能性越大!

    It's no accident that the fundamental tenet of reliability engineering is making things simpler — or, stated another way, the more complex something is, the more likely it is to experience an outage!


  • 最好事物总是存在某种偶然因素不管是思想言论还是行动

    There is always some accident in the best of things, whether thoughts or expression or deeds.


  • 逻辑没有偶然事情:如果一个事物能够出现原子事实中,那么这个原子事实可能性必定早已包含于事物之中。

    In logic, nothing is accidental: if a thing can occur in an atomic fact the possibility of that atomic fact must already be prejudged in the thing.


  • 历史学一旦完成理想化的数学化其中必然性事物形成决定函数偶然事物形成分段函数。

    History once completed idealized mathematical, including the inevitability of things will form the decision model function, contingency things can form of section function.


  • 安妮妈妈,正因为我们承认事物偶然发生发明了命运这个词。

    Annie: Mom, destiny is something we're invented because we can't stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental.


  • 安妮妈妈我们一切归为命运是因为我们愿承认事物偶然

    Annie: Mom, destiny's something we've invented because we can't stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental.


  • 无论生命多么偶然,也无论支配的那种随意性如何,知道真实最实在事物毕竟还是我自己

    As accidental as my life may be, or as that random humot is , which governs it , I know nothing , after all , so real or substantial as myself.


  • 你们看见事物大多数不是偶然抓住一张脸孔的外部特征不再去想吗?

    Do not most of you seeing people grasp casually the outward features of a face and let it go at that?


  • 有些社会科学家认为小孩在放弃魔法愿望时候开始学习信仰有关事物并非偶然

    It is no coincidence, some social scientists believe, that youngsters begin learning about faith around the time they begin to give up on wishing.


  • 无论生命多么偶然,也无论支配的那种随意性如何,知道真实最实在的事物毕竟还是我自己

    Unintentional; natural As accidental as my life may be, or as that random humor is, which governs it, I know nothing, after all, so real or substantial as myself.


  • 是个有个性的女生,天性热情奔放折腾、爱搞怪、爱一切美好事物偶然机会她与设计相遇,学会了如何去造生活不再那么单调

    She is enthusiastic, bold and unrestrained, and she loves all the beautiful things, a chance makes she meet with design, she learns to make dreams , making the life not monotonous any longer.


  • 可以说几乎没有任何科学发现随机偶然因为人类总是在为着事物目标而寻寻觅觅,无论所要寻觅的东西心境平静,抑或是有关生命本身起源解答

    It could be said that almost no discoveries are accidental because human beings are always looking for something, whether it is peace of mind or the answer to the origins of life itself.


  • 我们生命中那些走失时间躲藏隐匿许多不起眼事物之间,偶然之间,我们这些事物导引下,与逝去的时间再度相遇

    The lost hours of our lives are hidden in a multitude of insignificant objects. On chance occasions we will be guided by these objects to once again encounter those lost hours.


  • 我们生命中那些走失时间躲藏隐匿许多不起眼事物之间,偶然之间,我们这些事物导引下,与逝去的时间再度相遇

    The lost hours of our lives are hidden in a multitude of insignificant objects. On chance occasions we will be guided by these objects to once again encounter those lost hours.


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