Smiling men do not appear to be as strong, powerful or masculine as those who glower or who seem arrogant.
Men, for their part, need to develop the courage to drop the defense mechanisms that bolster their egos and pride, and search for true intimacy with their mates.
Some might imagine that a typical "alpha male" is going to be brash, assertive, overbearing. But in my experience, that's rarely the case.
The truth is, men tend to see themselves as problem solvers in romantic relationships, and so what comes across as condescending1 can actually be your guy's way of trying to help.
51岁的她已经结婚4次, 她傲慢却又时时没有安全感. 但这次她认为她嫁给了一个神通广大,永远也读不透的男人.
Marrying for the fourth time at the age of 51, the haughty, but always insecure, Ms Amiel believed she had married a man of unlimited means.
Be careful of men who are rich; the arrogance of "rich" usually cancels out his nice, if his has.
They're novels that deal with the arrogance of man and the pride of man which is ultimately man's downfall.
For the first moment I met you, your arrogance made me realize you are the last man in the world I could ever marry.
Along the way you will find, as promised, stories of hope, humor, and hubris from the world of classical music and the lively voices of the men, women, and children who dwell in it.
Men hate an"uppity" woman; they also hate an"aggressive" woman. Ours has been a Jane Crow society for several thousands of years.
男人大多或傲慢或愚蠢。 和蔼可亲的,必定又是没有主见的。
And what misfortune has happened to you? Why do you look so haughty? Aman of knowing becomes humble.
An arrogant woman with amnesia and a cheeky bumpkin have brought out a hectic love comedy!
An arrogant woman with amnesia and a cheeky bumpkin have brought out a hectic love comedy!