Operational metadata is what enables the administrators to manage the system, troubleshoot issues, and ensure that things are running smoothly.
Metadata management system is the core of construction and management and maintenance and use data warehouse system.
The model will contribute to set up the Metadata Management System as well as leverage user experience and loyalty.
This article introduces the theory of electronic record metadata model and the design of electronic document metadata management system.
供应链中的商务合作伙伴可以在本地采用XM L元数据管理系统生成自己的数据交换格式。
Each business partner within the supply chain can be allowed to generate its own information exchange format by adopting an XML meta-data management system in the local side.
It gives 25 cores of metadata model, and describes the system construction of metadata management system, and particularly introduces the system functions and characteristics.
Finally, the paper proposed a space metadata management framework and initially realized the parts of function of the meta-database management.
Client file system provides interfaces of storage system to users, can interact with metadata manage system and exchange data with OSDs.
Ext4 accomplishes this in a number of ways, going beyond ext3 limits and breaking new ground in areas of file system metadata management.
It is a difficult task to manage the meta-data in statistical and scientific database systems.
In the large scale file systems based on the cluster technology, the efficient management of meta-data is critical.
To the question that a single failure point exists in the centralized metadata management for parallel file systems, this paper presents a dual-metadata server system for high availability.
However, there are some problems at the process of developing ETL system. One of the most typical problems is the confusing management of metadata.
To enhance the performance of VISA (virtual interface based storage architecture) storage network system, a new metadata management subsystem is proposed. It is running at block-level.
This paper studies the characteristics on the cluster file systems, and proposes a solution to the management of distributed metadata.
The issue in China Pacific Insurance Company (CPIC) building enterprise data warehouse (EDW) project against the background of the BI system in the meta-data management and application of research.
DMDS adopts pair of system back-up and mirror-back-up memory technology. So the system has high reliability of metadata management.
DMDS adopts pair of system back-up and mirror-back-up memory technology. So the system has high reliability of metadata management.