The relationship between spectrum band width and absorbance error was discussed.
The influence of the spectral bandwidth of a polychromatic incident light on the imaging is also studied.
Novel dual-polarizing prism optics improve the quality of polarization and permit access to broader bandwidths.
A general mathematic model for evaluating the spectral bandwidth of optical parametric amplification (OPA) is developed.
In the spectrum bandwidth and cost aspect, Spectrometers with prisms and grating are equivalent.
This article by the actual result, introduced the changing of spectrum band width to the spectrum luminosity test affect.
Image quality, light condensing power and bandwidth of image are studied theoretically and experimentally.
This effect is particularly important for leds since the emitted spectral width is several hundred angstroms .
This effect is particularly important for leds since the emitted spectral width is several hundred angstroms.
The transmission curve of birefringent filter is given experimentally. Its transmission bandwidth is very narrow and all the sub-peaks are suppressed fewer than 10%.
Meanwhile, some special problems, such as test materials, spectrum band width (SBW), wavelength reproducibility, and expressing method of photo-metric accuracy, ard discussed.
The factors influencing the Lambert Beer law are introduced. And the relation between absorption spectra and the spectral bandwidth is analyzed.
According to emission lines and the relation between detector size and system bandwidth, we designed the spectral calibration plan for SHS, which uses tunable laser and halogen lamp.
Two-photon resonant NFWM is a Doppler-free spectroscopy by using the narrow bandwidth of incident laser beams.
长处 得当的均等太过编码和传布光谱是和得当的均等一个调制解调器提供高度没有带宽效率的任何失败,数据评估。
The advantage of adaptive equalization over coding and spread spectrum is that a modem with adaptive equalization provides high data rates without any loss in bandwidth efficiency.
The results show that THz emission spectra are enhanced by the applied electrical and magnetic field, while their frequency components and bandwidths are not changed.
The results show that THz emission spectra are enhanced by the applied electrical and magnetic field, while their frequency components and bandwidths are not changed.