The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that infects cells of the human immune system, destroying or impairing their function.
Health officials have only recently discovered the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) testing positive, 420 had informed the President, warning they may be infected with AIDS.
Urban yellow fever: Large epidemics occur when infected people introduce the virus into densely populated areas with a high number of non-immune people and Aedes mosquitoes.
Influenza pandemics can have an even bigger impact in the wider population, including younger age groups, because of a lack of population immunity to the new strain.
Because most people do not have regular contact with pigs, much of the world's population may lack immunity against swine flu.
That, she surmises, might give them an immunity to this new menace that young people lack.
Swine flu is a mix of pig, bird and human genes to which people have limited natural immunity.
The newcomers lacked immunity against local strains of the disease.
For patients with compromised immune systems, the bacterium can infect the bloodstream and cause fever, decreased blood pressure and blistering skin lesions.
Deficiency of trace minerals will result in licking the wall, chewing the soil, biting the things, anemia, skin disease and lower immunity.
Deficiency of trace minerals will result in licking the wall, chewing the soil, biting the things, anemia, skin disease and lower immunity.