Global warming and climate change affect the global water cycle and result in abnormal weather, such as frequent heavy rains and droughts.
Every year billion tons of carbon dioxide is added into the air, which in part results in global warming and climate change.
By replacing traditional energy sources with cleaner energies, we can help alleviate the harm of global warming and climate change.
It will be used for advanced modeling of theories about global warming and climate change, and it will be able to predict short-term weather patterns.
With all the concerns about global warming and climate change one might ask the question, "Why don't species just adapt?" don takes the devil's advocate position and discusses this with Yael.
With all the concerns about global warming and climate change one might ask the question, "Why don't species just adapt?"
Global warming and climate change are phenomena that broke the bonds of scientific circles to emerge as a matter of debate between "believers" and "skeptics."
Global warming and climate change are phenomena that broke the bonds of scientific circles to emerge as a matter of debate between "believers" and "skeptics."