• 我们鼓励学生全面参与学院运作

    We encourage students to participate fully in the running of the college.


  • 但是全面成本核算马上采用。

    But full cost accounting will be introduced without delay.


  • 整个系统12月全面投入使用

    The whole system will be fully operational by December.


  • 媒体这次审判进行了全面报道

    The trial was fully reported in the media.


  • 全面终止供给使该国经济瘫痪

    A total cutoff of supplies would cripple the country's economy.


  • 这场交战逐步扩大全面战争

    The fighting escalated into a full-scale war.


  • 人们担心局势恶化全面战争

    There are fears that the situation might deteriorate into full-scale war.


  • 这次冲突可能演变全面战争

    The fighting is threatening to turn into full-scale war.


  • 希望随时我报告全面情况。

    I expect to be kept fully briefed at all times.


  • 目前系统需要全面审查

    The present system is in want of a total review.


  • 他们以雄辩论据支持全面禁用手枪

    They argue persuasively in favour of a total ban on handguns.


  • 边境争端已演变全面危机

    The border dispute turned into a full-blown crisis.


  • 政府承诺这次灾难进行全面调查

    The government has promised a full investigation into the disaster.


  • 这份内容全面,且酒的价格适中

    The wine list is well-rounded and modestly priced.


  • 我们没有到达全面军事冲突阶段

    We haven't got to the stage of a full-scale military conflict.


  • 新机场现在全面投入运营

    The new airport is now fully operational.


  • 这家医院很快全面运作

    The hospital will soon be fully functional.


  • 政府力求达到全面就业

    The government is aiming at full employment.


  • 医学专家全面汇报

    The medical experts have yet to report in full.


  • 壁球一度被认为可以提供全面健康

    Squash was once thought to offer all-round fitness.


  • 希腊已经以色列建立了全面外交关系

    Greece has established full diplomatic relations with Israel.


  • 损失情况难以全面估计

    It is difficult to assess the full extent of the damage.


  • 公司已经宣布这次事故进行全面调查

    The company has announced that it will undertake a full investigation into the accident.


  • 5 000名士兵处于全面戒备状态

    More than 5 000 troops have been placed on (full) alert.


  • 必须去看医生,做全面体检

    You must see your doctor for a thorough examination.


  • 我们需要全面这个问题

    We need to take a more global approach to the problem.


  • 这些缺乏科学原理全面理解。

    These people lack all understanding of scientific principles.


  • 产品销售都经过全面检验

    Every product is exhaustively tested before being sold.


  • 掌握全面情况,还需要详细资料

    In order to get a complete picture, further information is needed.


  • 我们全面透彻地讨论3个领域

    We will discuss these three areas in depth.


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