• 质量成本近几十年提出质量控制方法全面质量管理重要组成部分

    In several decades, Quality Costing (QC) was put up as a new method of Quality Controlling, which is the important part of Total Quality Management.


  • 本文结合争创“钱江杯工程,运用全面质量管理观点介绍了这一新型建筑材料施工质量控制措施

    As an example, this article combines project with "Qianjiang cup", introduces the construction and quality control measures to the new building materials with Total quality control point of views.


  • 分析战场抢修特点质量控制目的出发,引入全面质量管理的概念。

    Based on analyzing characteristic of battlefield repairing and purpose of quality control, the concept of comprehensive quality control.


  • 图书馆实行全面质量管理以读者需求为导向建立质量文化进行质量控制质量评估质量改进

    The overall quality management of library should be readers-oriented, establishing quality culture to carry out quality control, quality evaluation and quality improvement.


  • 疾病预防控制机构内实行全面质量管理合理使用资金降低成本损耗、提高产品质量有效手段

    It is the efficient way to appropriately use funds, reduce cost and to improve quality of products of implementing total quality management in centers for disease control and prevention.


  • 建筑防水全面质量管理材料质量控制设计质量控制施工质量控制g - TQM模式

    Building waterproof; total quality management; materials quality control; quality control of the design; construction quality control; G-TQM model.


  • 文章环境质量成本角度借鉴全面质量管理思想,提出环境成本控制方法

    This paper has presented a set of new methods for environment cost control, using the ideas of Total quality Management (TQM) for reference from the Angle of environment quality cost.


  • 电视剧摄制过程全面质量管理活动关键,在于组建摄制组制定拍摄计划拍摄过程中进行严格的质量控制质量检查

    The key of TQM in TV dramas shooting is to set up crew, make shooting plan and control and check the quality of shooting during the process.


  • 介绍建筑工程质量管理的方法——全面质量管理进一步提出了建筑工程质量控制方法

    Focused on the construction quality management approach-total quality management, and further put forward the construction quality control methods.


  • 全面质量管理理论指导教育工程过程基础建构出了教育工程质量控制过程一般模式

    And on the guidance of total quality control theory and on the basis of educational engineering process, the standard mode of educational engineering quality control is established.


  • 基于SPC方法建立起来质量控制体系模型针对当前行业进行全面质量管理思路

    The set-up quality control system mode basing on the SPC way is the new thought to manage the complete quality management in the present industry.


  • 80年代以来全面质量管理量化质量成本全面质量控制可靠性工程缺陷方法融合形成较为系统的全面质量管理体系

    Since the 80's, TQM and, quantification method fusion and quality cost, Total Quality Control, reliability project and zero flaw, have formed the more systematic TQM system.


  • 方法医院感染控制纳入医院全面质量管理实施持续质量改进活动

    METHODS it has been elucidated that nosocomial infection control should be involved in hospital total quality control and quality improvement has been carried out continuously.


  • 二是从户藉化管理GAP管理ISO9000管理危害分析关键点控制现场管理方面推行全面质量管理

    Pushing the total quality control including registered permanent residence management, GAP management, ISO9000 management, damage analysis, key point control and on the spot management;


  • 随着全面质量管理思想ISO 9000系列标准国内企业推广运用,工序质量控制成为企业生产过程控制核心

    With the spread of TQM idea and ISO9000 series standard in many big enterprises in our country, this theory of the working procedure quality and control have been the core of enterprise control.


  • 随着全面质量管理思想ISO 9000系列标准国内企业推广运用,工序质量控制成为企业生产过程控制核心

    With the spread of TQM idea and ISO9000 series standard in many big enterprises in our country, this theory of the working procedure quality and control have been the core of enterprise control.


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