All leprosy patients in the world will continue to benefit from free medicines under an agreement signed today by the world Health Organization (WHO) and the pharmaceutical company, Novartis ag.
Even if they do not have any special Swiss connections, expect other drugs firms to follow Novartis's lead.
Swiss pharmacy house Novartis thinks pills needn't merely deliver medicine to the bloodstream, but could also monitor its effects and transmit data to physicians.
Swiss pharma house Novartis thinks pills needn't merely deliver medicine to the bloodstream, but could also monitor its effects and transmit data to physicians.
The 30 largest Swiss companies reported earnings growth of 38 percent during the past four years, buoyed by exports from watchmaker Swatch Group AG, Nestle and drugmaker Novartis AG.
Drugmakers limited declines after Novartis AG said it will take full control of Alcon Inc., ending an 11-month dispute with minority shareholders.
NOVARTIS, a Swiss pharmaceuticals giant, is involved in two deals at the moment.
For Novartis, a pharmaceuticals giant, a 9% earnings gain in dollar terms during the first half of 2011 turned into a 16% loss in Swiss-franc terms.
Dr Vasella, Novartis's boss, stoutly defends recent mergers, but accepts that big firms must now look outside for inspiration because “we can't do it all ourselves.”
Novartis, a Swiss drugs giant, paid some $5.7 billion to finalise its acquisition of Chiron last year.
Novartis rallied 6.4 percent to 57.05 Swiss francs after the company agreed to pay $12.9 billion for Alcon stock it doesn’t already own.
But a number of drug companies including Genentech and Novartis AG are looking at small molecule cancer drugs that can get inside cells and block VEGF.
Other major drug companies with a research presence in China include Novartis AG, AstraZeneca Plc, Pfizer inc., GlaxoSmithKline and Roche Holding AG.
Until recently, Novartis was not on the radar as a major force in lung drugs which are typically difficult to make because of the inhaler devices needed.
In a 2014 study by the drug company Novartis, the drug appeared to bolster the immune system in older patients.
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Novasep Asia offers complete processes, equipments, R&D services, and Process and Product Development, for the Industrial Biotech, pharmaceutical, and biopharmaceutical industries.