• 凭什么剥夺公民合法权益

    Why was he deprived me of my legitimate rights and interests of citizens!


  • 其四公民合法权益底线

    Fourthly, the bottom line of citizens' legitimate rights and interests.


  • 首先中央始终高度重视海外中国公民合法权益保护

    First, the central government always gives top priority to protecting the legitimate rights and interest of overseas Chinese citizens.


  • 深入开展规范执法行为、促进执法公正的专项整改活动,保障公民合法权益

    A campaign to correct irregularities and promote impartiality in law enforcement was launched to safeguard citizens' lawful rights and interests.


  • 中方希望马方采取有效措施切实保障中国公民合法权益防止此类事件再次发生。

    China also hopes Malaysia can adopt effective measures to protect the legitimate rights of Chinese citizens in Malaysia and prevent any reoccurrences of such cases.


  • 中方要求缅方依法采取有效措施保护中国公民合法权益

    China has requested Myanmar to take effective measures according to law to protect the lawful rights and interests of the Chinese citizens in Myanmar.


  • 这些法律颁布规范行政主体行使行政权力保护公民合法权益提高行政主体的行政效率起到了积极而重要作用

    The promulgation of these laws, to norm administration's power, improve administration efficiency and protect citizen's legal rights, have very important functions.


  • 关系公民法人或者其他组织合法权益能否通过诉讼途径得到救济

    Its relationship to the citizens of legal persons or other legitimate rights and interests of the Organization of the way through litigation can get relief.


  • 第四我们进一步做好保护海外中国公民企业合法权益工作。

    Fourth, we will continue to protect the lawful rights and interests of Chinese nationals and companies abroad.


  • 拥抱做什么似乎推进自由条款,他认为加强现代世界公民权利合法权益方面事情

    He embraced it for what it seemed to do in terms of advancing freedom, and what he thought it was doing in terms of enhancing civil and legal rights in the modern world.


  • 芝加哥警方承诺城市公民游客合法权益提供保护,但公共安全目前的首要责任,我们会全身心致力于保护公众远离犯罪威胁并且维护每个人应有权利”莫林比格中尉邮件中提到

    "The Chicago Police Department is committed to safeguarding the civil liberties of city residents and visitors alike, " Lieutenant Maureen Biggane said in an e-mail.


  • 许多公民尚未懂得权利为何物如何正确行使权利,保护自己合法权益

    Many civil rights have not yet know why - and how to correctly exercise their rights and protect their legitimate rights and interests.


  • 基于公民平等司法保护请求权产生司法救助制度旨在保护弱势群体合法权益体现社会公平正义

    Emerging from protecting the claim of citizens equality, the judicial aid system aims at protecting the legitimate rights and interests of vulnerable groups, which reflects social equity and justice.


  • 犯意诱发型”诱惑侦查不仅违反了侦查机关职责而且侵犯公民合法权益

    Investigation by entrapment not only violates the official duty of the investigative organ, but also infringes on the citizen's legitimate rights and interests.


  • 由此可见我国行政诉讼根本目的就是保护公民法人其他组织合法权益

    This shows that China's administrative proceedings fundamental purpose is the protection of citizens, legal persons and other organizations of the legitimate rights and interests.


  • 不利于准确有效地惩罚抢劫犯罪保护公民法人合法权益

    It's against to punish the crime of robbery accurately and effectively, and protect of citizens, legal persons and other legal rights.


  • 治安保卫组织严格依法办事,保护公民合法权益

    These mass organizations shall act strictly according to law and protect the lawful rights and interests of the citizens.


  • 完善诉讼程序,保障公民法人合法权益

    We should improve judicial proceedings and protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and legal persons.


  • 随着社会群体法律意识觉醒,诉讼已经成为公民维护合法权益解决争议重要手段之一。

    With the legal consciousness of social groups, litigation has become an important means for citizens safeguard the legitimate rights and resolute disputes.


  • 公民故意过失拍摄不当视频片段或图文,通过大众媒体传播侵害他人合法权益构成侵权

    But the video clip or script which is intentionally or negligently shot and transmitted by mass media will prejudice the lawful rights of others and constitute an infringement.


  • 由于缺乏必要指导,实践存在不少问题影响了其效能的充分发挥,也极易侵害公民合法权益

    Because we are short of necessary GUI dence, we have so many problem in practice that we hurt easily citizen legitimate rights.


  • 目的加强生育法律保护以维护公民合法权益

    Objectives To strengthen the legal protection for generational rights and vindicate peoples legal rights and interests.


  • 行政管理中的灵活性行政机关裁量权如果失去约束容易侵害公民合法权益

    To protect individual's rights and lawful interests, legal boundary should be set against the flexibility of administration and discretion of officials.


  • 中方一贯要求各国切实保障海外中国公民合法权益

    China always calls for all countries to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese citizens.


  • 行政活动中自由裁量存在既提高行政效率,也能侵犯公民其他组织合法权益

    Administrative discretion may raise the efficiency in administrative organs on the one hand and damage the rights and interests of citizens and social organizations on the other.


  • 保安人员维护物业管理区域公共秩序应当履行职责不得侵害公民合法权益

    The security personnel shall, when maintaining the public order within the realty management area, perform their duties and may not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of the citizens.


  • 边防行政执法功能主要维护沿海沿边地区社会秩序保障公民法人其他组织合法权益

    Main function of frontier defense administration 1 enforcement is to maintain social order of the coast, safeguard the citizen, the legal person and other organizations legal rights and interests.


  • 我们尽早保障已经生活英国欧盟公民以及生活在欧盟其他成员国英国公民合法权益

    We want to guarantee the rights of E. U. citizens who are already living in Britain, and the rights of British nationals in other member states, as early as we can.


  • 我们尽早保障已经生活英国欧盟公民以及生活在欧盟其他成员国英国公民合法权益

    We want to guarantee the rights of E. U. citizens who are already living in Britain, and the rights of British nationals in other member states, as early as we can.


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