• 这是不是六方会谈进程倒退

    Is it a setback for the Talks?


  • 推进方会谈进程符合共同利益

    A: To press ahead with the Six-Party Talks is in the common interests of all parties.


  • 事实是金融问题已经成为阻碍方会谈进程一个问题。

    The financial issue has indeed become an obstacle to the Six-Party Talks.


  • 我们希望与有关保持沟通协调共同维护方会谈进程

    We hope relevant parties keep communication and coordination to jointly maintain the Six-Party Talks.


  • 欧盟赞扬中国推动六方会谈进程面起到关键积极作用

    The EU praised China's crucial and active role in promoting the continuation of the Six-Party Talks.


  • 其他推进方会谈进程,究竟都做了些什么努力

    Q: What efforts have China and other parties made in advancing the six-party talks?


  • 白南舜外务相向中介绍了恢复会谈进程有关考虑态度。

    Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun told the Chinese side the DPRK's position and idea on the resumption of the Six Party Talks.


  • 一致认为,继续推进方会谈进程维护半岛和平稳定符合各共同利益

    All parties agree that promoting the Six-Party Talks and safeguarding peace and stability of the Peninsula is in the common interest of all parties.


  • 是否认为美国实施金融制裁方会谈进程出现复杂因素之一

    Q: Do you consider the financial sanctions imposed on the DPRK by the U.S. as one of the complicating factors emerging in the Six-Party Talks process?


  • 赖斯高度评价中国六方会谈进程发挥重要作用,并介绍了美的有关看法。

    Rice spoke highly of the important role China has played in the course of six-party talks and Shared the viewpoints of the US on this matter.


  • 我们共同努力通过方会谈进程实现19共同声明各项目标

    We are ready to exert joint efforts with other parties to achieve the goals set in the September 19 joint Statement through the Six-Party Talks.


  • 我们愿意进一步推进方会谈进程保持密切沟通协商听取意见

    We are willing to maintain close contacts and consultation with all the parties concerned on how to further promote the Six-Party Talks and listen to the opinions of other parties.


  • 呼吁采取必要步骤以尽早重启方会谈进程解决问题其他相关问题。

    The two sides called for the necessary steps that would allow for early resumption of the Six-Party Talks process to address this and other relevant issues.


  • 说:“当然任何改变会谈进程遵守会谈承诺行为我们所关注。”

    "Any move to change the six-party process, or not to live up to the commitments to the six-party talks, of course would be of concern," he said.


  • 半年前也是这间大厅里,我们成功启动了方会谈进程确立和平解决问题

    Half a year ago, it was also in this hall that we successfully launched the process of the Six-Party Talks, charting the course for a peaceful solution to the nuclear issue.


  • 至于会谈进程本身,人们全面地、客观来看这个进程取得了一些重要的成果

    But I also believe that anyone who views the Six-Party process from a conprenhensive and a objective perspective will admit that important progress has been made in the Six-Party process.


  • 方会谈第五第一阶段会议结束以后出现一些新的复杂因素使六方会谈进程受到一定影响。

    A: Some new complicated factors have come up since the end of the first session of the fifth round of the Six-Party Talks and the process of the Talks was thus affected.


  • 在9·19共同声明发表6周年之际,我们重温共同声明精神探讨如何推进方会谈进程具有重要意义。

    It is important for us to review the spirit of the Joint Statement and discuss how to press ahead with the Six-Party Talks on the 6th birthday of the September 19 Joint Statement.


  • 另外刚才提到,虽然一些问题困难,但是会谈进程继续是否意味着六方会谈进程应该机制化?

    In addition, you have mentioned just now that the six-party talks will continue despite the problems and difficulties. Does that mean that the process of six-party talks will become a mechanism?


  • 我们看来,这样双边对话会谈进程一部分六方会谈框架组成部分希望这样的对话有利于六方会谈重启继续向前迈进。

    For us, such bilateral talks is part of the Six-Party talks, a component of the framework of the talks. Thus we hope such dialogues will help resume and push forward the talks.


  • 作用就是劝和迄今我们主要发挥的作用:一是提出了和平解决核问题的总体目标、向和途经,得到其它五及国际社会的广泛认同;二是推动形成了三六方会谈框架,现已成为一个持续的进程;三是发挥作为东道主的斡旋和调停作用,得到各的肯定。

    The role of China is to promote the peace talk process through good offices. To date, China mainly exerted influence on three aspects.


  • 实际上第五会谈第一阶段会议金融问题成为影响会谈进程主要问题,对会谈进程产生负面影响。

    A: After the first session of the fifth round of the Six-Party Talks, the financial problem has in fact become a major issue affecting the process of the Talks in a negative way.


  • 认为国际社会希望看到尽快重启六方会谈这个进程

    I believe it's the hope of international community to see that early resumption of the Six-Party Process.


  • 认可通过协调一致步骤解决彼此关切;都希望六方会谈开辟和平进程保持下去

    We agree that the concerns of all the parties need to be addressed through coordinated steps, and all hope to continue the peace process initiated by the Six-Party Talks.


  • 认可通过协调一致步骤解决彼此关切;都希望六方会谈开辟和平进程保持下去

    We agree that the concerns of all the parties need to be addressed through coordinated steps, and all hope to continue the peace process initiated by the Six-Party Talks.


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