• 薄型材料超声波传播规律进行分析得到材料声速共振频率关系

    The relation between sound velocity and syntonic frequency is gained by analyzing the ultrasound transmitting in thin material.


  • 利用等效弹性分析了压电矩形共振二维耦合振动导出了振子共振频率的解析表达式。

    Based on the equivalent elasticity method, the plane coupling vibration of a rectangular piezoelectric ceramic plate was studied and the resonant frequency equation was derived out.


  • 有限元软件ANSYS进行模态分析确定了共振频率

    Finally, the modal analysis is obtained and the resonance frequency is determined by using finite element software ANSYS.


  • 分析表明单位质量灵敏度和质量块形状关系甚小,共振频率的关系较大

    The analysis indicates that the sensitivity on a unit mass is nearly independent of the shape of the mass block, whereas it is more dependent on the resonance frequency of that block.


  • 应用有限元变幅杆进行了模分析得到共振频率位移节点重要参数

    Normal modes in the pole and important characteristic parameters such as resonance frequency and position of the displacement node are obtained using the finite element method.


  • 对于共振频率阻尼单调函数,以及油膜阻尼关于轴端振幅存在特性进行了理论分析得出若干重要结论。

    Theoretical analyses are made to such important characteristics as that the resonance frequency is a monotonous increasing function of oil film damping and that there is an optimum value...


  • 对于共振频率阻尼单调函数,以及油膜阻尼关于轴端振幅存在最优值特性进行理论分析得出若干重要结论。

    Theoretical analyses are made to such important characteristics as that the resonance frequency is a monotonous increasing function of oil film damping and that t...


  • 其次,对作动器的滚珠直族滚珠花键副、滚珠卸荷副分别进行赫兹接触共振分析计算出接触共振频率

    Next, carries Hertzian contact resonance analyses to ball straight-rotary pair, ball spline pair and ball unload pair, calculates contact resonance frequencies.


  • 通过一系列分析找到自由度轴承系统前四共振频率随轴向磁偏置电流变化规律曲线

    Through the analysis series, found the curve for former fourth-order magnetic resonance frequency of single degree of freedom magnetic bearing system changes with the axial gap and bias current;


  • 马达预压力共振频率存在正比关系。理论分析实验测试结果符合较好

    Experiment results show that the measured resonance frequencies are in good agreement with the theory.


  • 介绍电荷交换分析测量HT-6M托卡马克离子回旋共振频率加热离子能谱观察到离子温度增加

    The hydrogen energy spectra during ICRF heating were measured with neutral particle analyzer in the HT-6M Tokamak lon temperature increase are observed.


  • 利用有限元分析软件ANSYS对这种结构进行分析,得到共振频率阶振动

    Then the new structure is simulated with modal analysis by finite element analysis software ANSYS, and the resonant frequency and the first vibration map are presented.


  • 结果表明,余弦形变幅杆共振频率模态分析理论值比较吻合平均相对误差1.86%。

    It is shown that the simulation result is consistent with that of the theory and the average relative error is 1.86%.


  • 分析噪声沥青混凝土路面降低轮胎噪声机理建立低噪声沥青混凝土路面声学模型亥姆霍兹共振器模型分析计算了声波共振频率

    The mechanism for low noise asphalt pavement to lower tyre noise is analyzed. A acoustical model is put forward. The resonance frequency of sound wave is analyzed with Helmholtz resonator model.


  • 然后此基础上进行响应分析,得到系统共振频率范围其它动态特征

    Then the dynamic performance and the harmony response analysis are completed by means of finite element analysis, the resonance frequency range of system and other dynamic features are found.


  • 依据音频共振原理利用共振频率内耗两个音频参数的共同作用,快速在线检测药室容积,并用此法与传统的“水称重”法进行理论和实验对比分析

    Based on the principle of sonic resonance, resonant frequency and damping capacity are used as two parameters to test the volume online quickly.


  • 对于共振频率阻尼单调函数,以及油膜阻尼关于轴端振幅存在特性进行了理论分析,并得出若干重要结论。

    Theoretical analyses are made to such important characteristics as that the resonance frequency is a monotonous increasing function of oil film damping and that there is an optimum value of oi...


  • 对于共振频率阻尼单调函数,以及油膜阻尼关于轴端振幅存在特性进行了理论分析,并得出若干重要结论。

    Theoretical analyses are made to such important characteristics as that the resonance frequency is a monotonous increasing function of oil film damping and that there is an optimum value of oi...


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