• 关于会期问题告诉,会议明天继续举行。至于会议何时结束,我现在还没有准确消息你公布。

    A: About the question on duration of the talks, I can tell you that the talks will continue tomorrow, but I do not have information on the exact concluding date of the talks.


  • 至于别的关于他们决定个人来说,感到高兴。

    Everything else I leave for them to decide, but for me, personally, I'm happy for him.


  • 关于百科全书词条愚蠢争吵不仅会使人们的注意力分散,会对外界对于地区的看法产生不良影响,以至于影响融入其他欧洲地区的进程。

    Silly rows about encyclopaedia entries are not just distracting. They also damage outside perceptions of the region and thus its chances of integration into the rest of Europe.


  • 关于垃圾食品另一件事身处一片新大陆时你发现一些十分有趣的垃圾食品供你选择迄今为止最好的选择印度至于是什么那得让你自己去发现咯。

    Another thing about junk food: when you're in new lands you will find some very interesting choices in vegan junk food! The best, by far, is in India.


  • 可能相信多少网站上留言、提意见、发泄怨言(至于关于什么的抱怨,您可以自己猜猜!)

    You wouldn't believe how many people log onto my site with messages, suggestions, complaints (about _what_ I'll let you decide!), et al.


  • 至于学习幽默技巧的建议,推荐浏览john Kinde一些关于幽默与演示技巧的文章

    For some tips on developing your humor skills, I recommend you read through some of John Kinde's humor and presentation articles.


  • 至于用户信息保留问题,专员要求隐私政策中添加关于删除帐户的信息,但并未得到Facebook同意

    As for the retention of user information, Facebook apparently does not agree with the commission's recommendation to add information about account deletion to its privacy policy.


  • 当然,出门些美味的蛋糕果腹这样的行为在看来并不需要别人的鼓励,关于蛋糕制作过程中一些小插曲以及妈妈的身份让不禁感到如此快慰欣喜,以至于蛋糕制作的幻想一发不可收拾。

    Normally, I don’t need any encouragement to go out and seek great cake, but something about this cake and the happy mom-to-be just made me so happy, I have been thinking about cake non-stop.


  • 至于忘记关于时间一切

    Prince that she forget all about the time.


  • 然而关于自然世界知识如此广博思想是如此细致审慎至于《物种起源呈现出幅巨大全新的世界图景

    Yet his knowledge of the natural world is so immense, and the scrutiny to which he subjects his ideas is so thorough and scrupulous, that the "Origin" presents a grand new vision of the world.


  • 或者是因为他们担心,一个判断力太差、至于网上写些关于皮鞭的内容的无法你们公司得到信任

    Or is the problem that they fear someone who has so little judgment that she writes about whips on the Internet cannot be trusted in your company?


  • 现实情况就是有可能已经记不清第四个标签以后网页关于什么的,至于你不停地各个网页间徘徊

    The reality is that it's very, very unlikely that you know what's in the TAB four tabs after this page, hence the aimless wandering.


  • 音乐同时服食致幻剂的奥尔德斯·赫胥黎对杰氏非常着迷,至于在一次演讲编造了一系列关于杰氏的故事

    Aldous Huxley, who listened to Gesualdo's music while taking mescaline, was so carried away by it that he once made up stories about him in a lecture.


  • 至于以后可能会回到学校学习更多关于舞蹈的知识,取得硕士学位博士学位。

    As for the future, Liu said she might go back to school, to learn more about dance, and get a master's or a doctorate degree.


  • 伯顿说:“这么时间一直长有毛发以至于我认为来说正常”“但是此刻的确觉得女人关于长有发没有选择的余地的。”

    "I've been hairy for so long that it just seems normal to me," says Burton, "but I do feel that at the moment women do not have a choice about hair."..


  • 这种重叠非常值得注意,至于一些大脑研究者呼吁,对我们关于记忆看法进行大幅修改

    The overlap is so impressive that some brain researchers are calling for a substantial revision of how we think about memory.


  • 任何关于存在主义讨论都应该痛惜开始——这个如此宽泛地应用于如此事物至于已经没有任何意义

    Any discussion of existentialism really has to begin with Jean-Paul Sartre's lament that the word is so loosely applied to so many things that it no longer means anything at all.


  • 关于只鹰一点人们生活中扮演主要角色至于人们常常受制于它。 它占据了生活的所有,毁了人们的生活。

    I want to share one thing about this eagle which plays a major part in our lives, and people become so much stuck with that and they are ruining their lives, they destroyed their lives.


  • 大多数这些忧虑甚至于不是关于我自己

    Most of these worries aren't even about me.


  • 如果这个阶段达成关于开放性的原则至于标准的协议,成就一些公司,也会伤害到一些公司。

    Agreeing on principles for openness and perhaps even standards at this stage would benefit some firms and hurt others.


  • 很可惜,我们关于职业精神观念紧箍咒一样束缚着我们的思想至于一些创业者其影响

    And yet conventional ideas of professionalism have such an iron grip on our minds that even startup founders are affected by them.


  • 欧盟内部,关于边缘国家处于困境之议如此普遍至于只需瞥一下地图,就发现这种观点多么古怪(发人深省)。

    Talk of an ailing periphery has become so common in the EU that it takes a squint at a map to realise how odd (and revealing) it is.


  • 至于一点关于卡恩行动各种版本说法涉及他自身生活的不检点有关他的指控已经让他的事件越描越黑。

    On the first point, stories of Mr Strauss-Kahn’s behaviour range from tales of the enthusiastic pursuit of seduction to allegations of something much darker.


  • 一个关于意大利经济稳健有力的论点说,公共债务太多了至于投资者承担不起抛售它们的费用:意大利国债构成全球第三大债券市场

    A better argument for Italy's robustness is that its public debt is so vast that investors cannot afford to abandon it: Italian treasuries make up the third-biggest bond market in the world.


  • 然而一些关于的谣传并未因荒唐本质人们唾弃,甚至于很多人信以为真

    There are however several myths that have not been publicly chastised for their ridiculous nature, and often are still believed to be truth rather than fiction.


  • 至于美白听说了很多关于谷胱甘肽

    As for whitening, she's heard so much about Glutathione, learning that it's a big hit here in our country (as well as a very controversial topic nowadays).


  • 至于更多关于修改绘制地形信息参考相关教程

    For more information on modifying and painting terrain, please see the respective tutorials.


  • 至于呢,就要好好学习关于编辑技术还要深入研究一方面知识

    For my own part, we must learn about editing class technology, but also in-depth study of knowledge in this area.


  • 至于呢,就要好好学习关于编辑技术还要深入研究一方面知识

    For my own part, we must learn about editing class technology, but also in-depth study of knowledge in this area.


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