• 理论实验分析常规工艺影响击穿电压几个关键工艺参数

    A number of critical process parameters associated with breakdown voltage in the conventional process are discussed in terms of theory and experiment.


  • 分析关键工艺参数确定方法,并采用实际案例比较它们异同能耗

    The paper presented the methods to determine the key process parameters of these heat pumps and made comparisons for their differences and energy consumptions case by case.


  • 研究松木杨木为原料,对生产模压托盘关键工艺参数进行了研究。

    This paper studied key process in manufacturing molded particle pallet. Wood species used were poplar and pine.


  • 介绍钢包工艺钢包吹氩工艺过程中的几个关键工艺参数加以分析论述。

    The ladle bottom argon blowing technology is introduced, and the key technological parameters are analysed.


  • 简述连铸动态技术介绍了该技术的关键工艺参数即压下区间、压下量压下速率。

    The dynamic soft reduction technology and the key technical parameters of soft reduction for continuous casting were presented in this paper.


  • 分析了熔融过程关键工艺参数指出过程是一个高度非线性变量耦合作用的复杂过程。

    Through the discussion of the key processing parameters in the fused biconical taper process, firstly the paper pointed out that this process was highly nonlinear and multi variable coupled.


  • 单晶金刚石刀具研磨过程中,研磨压力一个影响研磨效率表面质量刃口质量等关键工艺参数

    The grinding pressure is a key parameter to influence the grinding efficiency, surface quality and cutting edge quality in the monocrystal diamond tool grinding.


  • 然而有关热泵参考文献资料十分稀少鲜有哪些是热泵的关键工艺参数和如何确定它们数值的论述。

    However, the related references and material about heat pump are less, and those on the key process parameters of the heat pumps and their determination principles are extremely scarce.


  • 为此,设计套连续给料流化床反应器,废塑料鼓泡流化床中热解关键工艺参数进行了试验研究。

    Therefore, a bubbling fluidized bed with a continuity feeder was designed. The key technical parameters of waste plastic pyrolysis in the bubbling fluidized bed were investigated.


  • 第三章对探卡工艺流程中的关键步骤进行了工艺试验得到关键工艺参数同时验证了整个探卡工艺可行性

    In chapter3, some experiments are conducted to get the key parameters of the fabrication process, at the same time, the feasibility of the process is proved.


  • 根据生产实践讨论SDS700 B型拉伸机上开发生产涤纶关键工艺参数产品质量影响

    According to the production practice, it discussed that the key processing parameters influenced the quality of high - elastic polyester yarn produced on SDS700B false - twist texturing machine.


  • 考察了该工艺废水COD、固体悬浮物(SS)、有机去除效果关键工艺参数,同时探讨盐浓度废水生物处理效果的影响。

    The removal effects on COD, ss and organic nitrogen and the main process parameters were investigated. The effect of salinity on wastewater bio-treatment was discussed.


  • 一个综合系统收集分析控制关键工艺参数

    It's an integrated system that lets you gather, analyze and control key process parameters.


  • FMEA提供逻辑性途径帮助制订关键参数确保工艺耐用性

    FMEA provides a logical approach that can aid in establishing critical parameters and ensure process robustness.


  • 提出实现了铸铁型材水平连铸工艺参数优化专家系统,并系统的关键技术进行了设计讨论

    This paper presents and realizes drawing blank technics parameter expert system of iron continuous casing and discusses its key realizing technology.


  • 江油市城市生活垃圾处理厂实例介绍垃圾综合处理工艺设计基本思路、基本参数关键设备

    Based on the example of Jiangyou city domestic waste treatment plant, the basic idea? Parameter and key equipment of waste comprehensive treatment technology design were introduced.


  • 概述直接利用电解铝生产关键技术,并熔炼铸轧工艺参数选择质量控制进行了全面的分析。

    Key technique of casting aluminium strip with electrolytic aluminium liquid is summarized. The choice of technological parameters of smelting and casting and quality control is introduced.


  • 提高光学零件研抛加工精度关键优选工艺参数

    Selecting processing parameters is the key to increase polishing accuracy of optical elements.


  • 同时,压铸机选择工艺参数设置浇注系统设计角度探讨了压铸模设计关键技术

    The key technologies for die casting die were approached from some aspects of selecting die casting machine, setting processing parameters, designing gating system.


  • 文中介绍所研制音圈电动机主要参数关键工艺测试要点等,电机音圈采用自制矩形导线代替铜线而获得成功

    In this paper, main parameters, key technology, test requires etc. of this motor are introduced, It is successful to use self-made rectangular wire in voice-coil of motor instead of cylindrical one.


  • 塑料光学元件关键制造技术模具设计制造、选择合适的注塑设备最佳工艺参数

    The key technology of fabricating plastic optical component is the designing and fabricating moulds, the selecting proper injection equipment, the optimizing injection technology parameter, and so on.


  • 阻力粮食干燥、储粮机械通风工艺设计中的关键参数

    Grain bulk resistance is a key parameter in the technological design of grain drying and mechanical ventilation for stored grains.


  • 模具拉伸系数设计拉伸工艺关键参数

    The cupping ductility value is a key parameter to design traction process of mould.


  • 工艺参数合理配合下获得足够的液淬速率得到非晶结构关键,也是制备质量条带的决定因素

    High quenching rate which can be obtained by the rational combination of quenching parameters mentioned above is the key to gain noncrystalline structure and high quality amorphous strips.


  • 其中关键设备调质器、喷气干燥器破碎机坯机的结构工艺参数了分析比较。

    The important machines are conditioner, jet dryer, cracker, flaker, the construction and process parameters of these machines are analyzed.


  • 本文本钢炼钢厂现有设备条件,通过对X70钢种批量生产,摸索出生产该钢种时关键成分工艺控制参数

    The controlling parameters of X70's key compositions is derived from batch producing X70 steel under the conditions of existing facilities in Benxi-Steel Steelmaking Factory.


  • 计算结果可以用于估算冻干机内不同部位物料干燥速率,为确定冻干机关键结构工艺参数提供重要的理论参考依据。

    The analysis conclusion can be used to estimate the difference of material drying rate at different parts in equipment and to direct the choice of structural and process parameters.


  • 测量压力对于正确认识废弃轮胎粉碎爆破机理确定相应爆炸工艺参数具有关键作用。

    Measuring the pressure of the zone near explosive (POZNE) is the key to understand the mechanism of fragmentation of waste tyres by explosive and to determine the working parameters.


  • 测量压力对于正确认识废弃轮胎粉碎爆破机理确定相应爆炸工艺参数具有关键作用。

    Measuring the pressure of the zone near explosive (POZNE) is the key to understand the mechanism of fragmentation of waste tyres by explosive and to determine the working parameters.


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