• 每个收集器每种问题类型收集数据根据产品不同而有所变化,要求您输入其他信息数量类型也有所不同。

    The data collected by each collector for each problem type will vary by product, as will the number and type of additional information items you will be asked to enter.


  • 尽管可以文档中添加编辑信息任何其他地址簿一样,但是这些更改不会回到SAP中

    While you can add or edit information in the document just like any other address book entry, those changes are not written back into SAP.


  • 企业建立销售产品时,产品、人员信息财务中的都是其他资源整合的重要资源

    Every one of these "things" -products, people, information and finances-is a resource that gets integrated with other resources as firms build and sell their offerings.


  • 其他一些方式使用依赖注入(更多信息参见参考资料hibernatewiki链接)。

    Some other approaches don't use dependency injection (see the link in Resources to the Hibernate wiki for more information).


  • 如果打开了其他网页,你就会看到所有加载网页的列表拖动滚动条直到找到YouTube网页单击箭头查看当前加载详细信息

    If you're also loading other sites, you'll see a list of them: scroll until you find the YouTube page and click on the arrow to show details about what is being loaded.


  • 专属服务器必需的,这是因为Hadoop使用HDFS存储工作所需的JAR依赖静态数据以及其他必需的信息

    This dedicated server is required because Hadoop USES HDFS to store JAR dependencies for your job, static data, and other required information.


  • 协作筛选(CF)Amazon等公司极为推崇技巧使用评分单击购买用户信息其他站点用户提供推荐产品。

    Collaborative filtering (CF) is a technique, popularized by Amazon and others, that USES user information such as ratings, clicks, and purchases to provide recommendations to other site users.


  • GoogleMaps这个平台关键技术被用来提供所有地点地理信息以及用户查找的地点一定范围其他(相关)地点信息

    Google Maps is a key technology in this platform as it provides geographic data for all locations and shows other (related) locations within a certain range of the location in question.


  • 相对净利润综合收益总额信息并不具有更高的价值相关性,但是列报其他综合收益各目具有最高的解释力度。

    Compared to net income, the aggregate comprehensive income information is not more value-relevant, but disaggregating other comprehensive income into several items has the biggest explaining power.


  • 可以通过电子邮件团队成员客户其他相关发送有关特定工作、工作列表或工作查询详细信息

    You can send the details about a particular work item, a list of work items, or a work item query bye-mail to team members, clients, or other interested parties.


  • 使大脑思维过程被占用时更长的保持信息认知能力深远的影响。 一可能的影响是其他科目学习上的积极影响。

    This enables the brain to hold information longer while the thinking processes are engaged, which can have a profound impact on cognitive function.


  • 因而其他综合收益信息需要区别净利润单独列报并且对其构成进行列示。

    Therefore, other comprehensive income should be distinguished from net income and be presented separately, moreover, it should be disaggregated into several items to be presented.


  • 布林博士其他反对者并不完全反对广播,但是他们争辩道什么时候传送什么信息应该成为宏大全球性研究课程

    Dr Brin and other dissenters are not against broadcasting altogether, but argue that the decision of when and what to send ought to be the subject of a grand, global survey.


  • 布林博士其他反对者并不完全反对广播,但是他们争辩道什么时候传送什么信息应该成为宏大全球性研究课程

    Dr Brin and other dissenters are not against broadcasting altogether, but argue that the decision of when and what to send ought to be the subject of a grand, global survey.


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