The Study of in-service teacher training has far-reaching significance.
The study on the danger aspect of environment is of far-reaching significance.
Israel faces a dilemma with far-reaching strategic consequences.
Has the profound significance to the ancient Greece time idea transformation in the Western philosophy history.
The television news live broadcast, as a unique particularity of TV media, has a profound significance.
This broadens the notion of what drugs can do, and has wide-reaching implications for future drug discovery for many different disorders.
So, researching wave energy dissipation of fiber structure is significant to the application of fiber reinforced composite in civil engineering.
Conclusion Warm and fragrant service is very important in hospital management, which can improve working quality and patients' satisfactory rate.
Through investigation and statistical analysis, the school physical education has far reaching significance to lifetime sport consciousness of students.
That a simple act of decency has become so heroic speaks volumes about the present state of Russia.
A fourth idea raised in the book is that individuals naturally gravitate toward what is most meaningful and deeply significant.
To study the intervention on injury in Shenzhen and to develop the intervention measurements suitable for this district have far-reaching significance.
File work in teachers training colleges and universities has profound significance but attaches not enough importance since a long time ago.
With a view to further improve the dissemination of college sports, culture and the building of the effect on the quality of education to colleges and universities with far-reaching significance.
Construction of the mass rapid transit system is of great importance both to rational utilization of the economical resource and optimization of overall arrangement of urban land use.
University students good in sports leisure habits of lifelong PE are an important means of growth for the college students of far-reaching significance.
So the development and research of answering subsystem is an important part in the modern remote teaching.
These are profound truths on how you can regain that youthful energy, have a healthy, fit, and lean body.
To train the general - subject primary school teachers has profound significance on the improvement of the structure of primary school teachers and the quality of fundamental education in rural areas.
The impact of stochastic factor and delay on stability of the neural network is significant to investigate the stability of stochastic neural network with delay.
You can improve the world through technology — and having fun with scripting a new desktop for your workstation might open a door to other ideas with a more profound effect.
Conclusion MRI was of important value in the early diagnosis of spinal metastasis and is also of great significance in the assessment of primary tumor (TNM) and making further treatment plan.
"We found some very significant and profound changes in their brain just at rest, particularly in the areas of the brain that help us to focus our mind and to focus our attention," he says.
And he showed that black holes were not completely black but could leak radiation and eventually explode and disappear, a finding that is still 5 reverberating through physics and cosmology.
Tomorrow we will be considering the outcome of discussions that potentially have even more far-reaching implications for global health.
Tomorrow we will be considering the outcome of discussions that potentially have even more far-reaching implications for global health.