Suppose you are in a room with someone you don't know and something within you says "I want to talk with this person" — this is something that mostly happens with all of us.
But criticism doesn't have to come from other people. Like Steve in the story above, some teens also have an "inner critic," a voice inside that seems to find fault with everything they do.
Like Steve in the story above, some teens also have an "inner critic," a voice inside that seems to find fault with everything they do.
Almost everyone who has been in the world of personal development will have heard of the inner child.
Therapy can be described as follows: in a state of full consciousness, the patient is internalized and quiets the noise inside of him.
If we are ever going to develop an ability to hear from God and be led by His Spirit, we have to start making our own decisions and trust the wisdom God has deposited in our own heart.
Now a disingenuous clamor of names went through my mind, followed by a very loud internal voice that said, "You, you bugger. You're the man."
For a little while it seemed as if I must fly to pieces with the inward turmoil, when suddenly the still small voice whispered in the depths of my soul, "Be still, and know that I am God."
There is a voice within us that knows we have something special and unique to give to the world.
Yet there was a voice deep inside me that assured me I would be okay, the same voice that had brought me comfort during the other tough times in my life.
If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced. -vincent Van Gogh.
Can a person who, without according to adhere to the time without relying on that inner voice!
But, then, a voice within me averred that I could do it and foretold that I should do it.
It is the inner voice that whispers, "I can do it!" when others shout, "No, you can't."
A still small voice, deep within you, now wants to offer you wise and potentially profitable guidance. Don't be too busy to hear it.
And every wrong decision Fve ever made was a result of me not listening to the greater voice of myself.
"Try to become a person of great enthusiasm and sincerity to making friends." a voice from heart and a working tool to enlarge your relationship.
But one day about three months or so ago – out of the blue, it seemed — this quiet inner voice began speaking to us.
Every right decision I've made-every right decision I've ever made-has come from my gut. And every wrong decision I've ever made was a result of me not listening to the greater voice of myself.
Every right decision I've made-every right decision I've ever made-has come from my gut. And every wrong decision I've ever made was a result of me not listening to the greater voice of myself.
I don't know why, but there's very loud voice inside me telling me I'm supposed to give you this golden crane, and the crane is the ancient symbol of peace, "Art said simply."
I don't know why, but there's very loud voice inside me telling me I'm supposed to give you this golden crane, and the crane is the ancient symbol of peace, "Art said simply."