Some point out that her writing simply echoes the anger and disappointment of rural itinerants.
This paper gives some suggestion for utilizing the analytical approach of the social network to carry on studies on rural migrants in the future.
方法:采用整群抽样方法通过问卷调查广州市外来农村流动人口1 193人。
MethodsThe cluster sampling and questionnaire survey were adopted to survey 1 193 persons.
The enormous rural population flowing to cities is closely related to China's economic system, residence system and peasants' economic situations.
ObjectiveTo investigate the expenses of the floating population migrated from countryside on health services and corresponding strategy.
Purpose: to know the current situation and problems of the rural migrants' health security, then seek the institutional methods to improve the rural migrants' health security.
The city admitting floating population from rural area increases the supply of workforce in urban area and slows down the aging speed in cities in the near future.
Using sample data from the survey of rural immigrants in Shenzhen in 2005, this paper quantitatively studies contraceptive use among these migrants form whole network perspective.
But statistics show growing Numbers in the cities, coupled with new migrants leaving the countryside every year.
China has seen a lot of people moving to urban areas in the last 20 years. However, many migrants left their families behind and have not been able to take on an urban lifestyle.
Methods Adopt quantitative and qualitative methods and make investigation on the urban, rural and migrant population and interview with relevant department leaders.
A large number of surplus rural labor forces in China travel to and fro between urban and rural areas, forming the floating population.
The question about urban floating population crime is one of the social questions set off by the rural surplus population in the course of urbanization.
本研究从北京选取2201名从农村到北京打工的18 ~ 30岁的流动人口为被试,探讨其流动模式与其社会适应的关系。
In present study, a sample of 2201 18-30 years old migrants from rural area to Beijing was recruited to examine the relationship between mobility and social adaptability.
This paper analyses absolute poverty and relative poverty in Hubei Province from rural and urban angles. Additionally, poverty in rural-urban floating population is probed too.
However, their working and living conditions can't make us optimistic. Comparing with male floating population, women have more difficulties in employment and bear worse living conditions.
However, their working and living conditions can't make us optimistic. Comparing with male floating population, women have more difficulties in employment and bear worse living conditions.