• 但是大量农民工返乡并不会造成大规模的社会动荡

    However, a large number of ex-migrant workers returning to their homes won't necessarily translate into massive social unrest.


  • 自主创业、农民工返乡创业进一步降低门槛给予更大支持

    We will further lower the barrier for individuals, including rural migrant workers who have returned to their home villages, to start their own businesses and lend them more support in this area.


  • 农民工返乡创业既需要自身条件改善,更需要建立完善外部支持体系

    Migrant peasants are disadvantaged groups who possess the potentiality of starting a business. Therefore, the perfect external support system is to bee...


  • 张晓晶:“届时会有大量农民工返乡,更别提那么大学毕业生将影响社会稳定。”

    "There will be lots of laid-off migrant workers returning to the villages, not to mention the many college graduates, and this will affect social stability, " Mr Zhang said.


  • 本文目前金融危机大背景进行简要分析基础上,对农民工返乡创业问题进行了具体研究

    On the basic of analyzing the present financial crisis background, then do some specific studies on the problem of off-farm workers to return to their native place to start new undertaking.


  • 分析当前农民工返乡创业状况基础上,指出了限制农民工返乡创业的因素提出了相应对策

    Based on analyzing status of peasant workers' returning to hometown and starting an undertaking, some limiting factors were put forward as well as several corresponding countermeasures.


  • 他们指出预计春节期间有两亿三千万农民工返乡时间没有紧迫到要价钱换取速度地步。

    Migrant labourers, 230m of whom are expected to make the journey home during Spring Festival, are not in enough of a hurry to pay a premium for speed, they argue.


  • 由于金融危机原因造成大量农民工返乡,能否妥善解决返乡农民工就业直接关系我国社会经济稳定大局。

    The financial crisis caused a large number of migrant worker to return home, the employment of migrant worker is directly related to our social and economic stability.


  • 城市居民长时间享受农民工带来便利已经习以为常现在大批农民工返乡,使城市居民更多地看到农民工存在的价值

    Urban residents, who have long enjoyed the convenience and largely taken it for granted, are now beginning to see the value of migrant workers in a new light.


  • 全国上下,婷婷出生地孤峰这样城镇乡村里挤满了返乡农民工

    Across the country, towns and villages such as Gufeng (or "Lonely Peak"), where Tingting was born, were filling up with returning migrant workers.


  • 但是农民工失业率要比常住人口的要低因为他们一旦城里不到工作就会返乡

    But the rate for migrant workers is lower than for permanent residents because they return home if they cannot find work.


  • 还说,应该培训返乡农民工节约农业用水而且水污染必须得到控制

    Migrant workers returning to the countryside should be trained to save water in agriculture and water pollution must be controlled, adds Li.


  • 春节期间大多农民工返乡休息”,,假期过后他们重新工作

    "During the Spring Festival, most migrant workers went home and had a rest," he said. "After this, they will hunt for jobs."


  • 大多数乘客寒假大学生返乡过年农民工

    Most of the passengers are college students on their winter vacation and migrant workers returning home for Spring Festival.


  • 目的探究春节返乡农民工心理健康生活满意关系

    Objective: To explore the relationship between mental health and satisfaction with life of home-going peasant-workers during the Spring Festival.


  • 部分农民工返乡,为当地农村带来了知识技术气息。

    The returning of some migrant workers have brought back new knowledge and technology.


  • 结论:春节返乡农民工心理健康状况生活满意感存在相关关系。

    Conclusion: There was a positive correlation between their satisfaction with life and their mental health conditions.


  • 只有结合返乡农民工学习特点实施创业培训才能达到事半功倍效果

    Only combining with the learning characteristics of homecoming peasant workers, can implementing entrepreneurial training achieve a multiplier effect.


  • 结论返乡农民工心理健康水平生活满意存在相关关系。

    CONCLUSION: There is a positive correlation between the mental health level and satisfaction with life in home-going peasant-workers.


  • 结果:春节返乡农民工SWLS得分SCL- 90得分存在显著的相关

    Results: There was a negative correlation between the scores of SWLS and the scores of SCL-90.


  • 其次,论证培训参与度测评可行性基础上,根据史洛斯伯格阶段理论克罗斯连锁反应理论,建立返乡农民工培训过程图。

    Analyzing the process of farmers attended the skill training that based on the chain of response and three steps theory and building the model of surveying participation.


  • 长期来看解决返乡农民工问题关键在于提升国家产业结构改造农民工人力资本

    In the long run, the key to solving the problem of returning migrant workers is elevating the industry structure of the country and transforming the human capital of migrant workers.


  • 笔者通过调研发现返乡农民工职业培训面临大好时机同时,也存在着重重困难。

    The authors have found that the professional training of returned migrant workers face both advantages and disadvantages.


  • 流民群体制度变迁社会转型产生的特殊群体,主要包括进城农民工返乡农民工失地农民

    The losing soil countrymen is a special group people that appears going with social development, they exist by working in city but not cultivating their land.


  • 针对以上问题笔者社会资本三个层面提出了返乡农民工建构积累社会资本的一些相应的对策。

    To solve the above problems, the author proposes some related countermeasures about peasant workers constructing and accumulating social capital from three levels of social capital.


  • 大多数乘客寒假大学生返乡过年农民工

    Most of the passengers are college students on their winter vacation and migrant workers returning home for Spring Festival.


  • 返乡农民工中间,60.4%的农民工正常春节回家探亲,城市的工作仍然保留着的,节后回去正常上班

    But there is 60.4 percent migrant workers return home normally, which means they can go back to work as usual after the Spring Festival holiday.


  • 返乡农民工中间,60.4%的农民工正常春节回家探亲,城市的工作仍然保留着的,节后回去正常上班

    But there is 60.4 percent migrant workers return home normally, which means they can go back to work as usual after the Spring Festival holiday.


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