First, based on the animal husbandry industrialization, energetically develop the animal products processing.
The indirect pollution on eco-environment come from residual pesticides, heavy metal elements, antibiotics, hormones and mold toxins from animal husbandry products.
The internal quality is a factor of more difficult to evaluating in nor-destructive inspection. X-ray imaging is a way of to solve this problem.
Environmental and farm produce contamination by toxic heavy metal has become a major safety problem for human. Therefore rapid determination of heavy metal residue urgently required.
In the study, more than 50,000 papers were searched, yielding 162 relevant articles comparing the nutritional content of organically and conventionally produced crops and livestock products.
In the study, more than 50,000 papers were searched, yielding 162 relevant articles comparing the nutritional content of organically and conventionally produced crops and livestock products.