• 准备内部程序环境例程之后可以指定一个简单关键字匹配子例

    With the internal program environment subroutines in place, we can specify a simple keyword matching subroutine


  • 安装完成之后环境就有了一个新的LPAR已经准备接受需要装载进程

    After that, your cloud environment has a new LPAR that is ready to accept the processes you want to load on it.


  • 运行批处理文件之后,准备好了用于编译链接程序环境

    After running the batch file, our environment is ready for compiling and linking our program.


  • 已经准备绑定之后,可以将其绑定开发测试生产数据库而无需更改的开发对象环境

    When the package is ready for binding, you can bind to the development, test, or production database without changing your development project environment.


  • 已经准备使用特定应用程序环境时,您只需选择一个模式进行部署

    When you are ready to use a particular application environment, you simply pick a pattern and deploy it.


  • 虽然老师这些训练摆脱我们环境混乱状态方法但是并不确定人们已经准备改变消费至上的生活方式

    While Thay sees following these trainings as a way out of the environmental mess we are in, he is not certain that people are yet ready to change their consumerist way of life.


  • 如果没有准备集群环境,还是可以本地机器启动多个进程同样的事以方便测试。

    If you're not yet ready to run on the cluster you can do the same multi-process launch on the local machine.


  • 疯狂购买推东西,环境带来沉重的负担支付这些东西加班加点工作,准备好了吗?

    Are you ready to consume an insane amount of resources, to have a huge impact on the environment, to work long hours to pay for all that?


  • 系列文章包含项目交换文件允许准备应用程序进行迭代开发之前,先熟悉环境配置

    A project interchange file is included with this article series will to allow you to become familiar with the environment configuration before your application is ready for iterative development.


  • 接下来修复问题还是要回签入,简单了;只要规划好的交付完成了,软件已经准备好部署到生产环境

    From there it is a simply matter to fix or rollback the errant change so that it will be ready once the scheduled delivery occurs.


  • 如果选择使用其他环境创建应用程序,一定准备适当软件

    If you choose to build the application using another environment, just make sure you have the appropriate software on hand.


  • 城市工业仅仅消耗总体淡水资源小小部分,但是产生的强大当地需求总会耗尽环境准备好的供给

    Cities and industries consume only tiny amounts of total freshwater resources, but the intense local demand they create often drains the surroundings of ready supplies.


  • 迁移之前再次检查环境确保准备同步接收生产

    Just before your migration time, take another look at your cloud environment to make sure it is ready to be synchronized and accept production traffic.


  • 项目时间计划进行同步以便基础设施能够准备好,从而能生产环境(即最终用户看到环境)中部署应用程序

    Synchronize project timelines so that the infrastructure is ready for deployment of the application in the production environment (the one seen by its end users).


  • 准备好 /home/partimag目标分区后,需要选择种最佳方式环境恢复映像

    When /home/partimag and the destination partition are ready, you have to choose the best way to restore the image for your environment.


  • 如果渴望高中处于一个轻松环境那么最好准备好迎接意想不到的未来

    If you yearn for an ease environment in high school, then you'd better prepare for the unexpected future.


  • 一些科学家律师Greely一样,怀疑这些结果实验室环境以外的可重复性。其他人认为fMRI测谎技术没有准备

    But some scientists and lawyers like Greely doubt that those results will prove replicable outside the lab setting, and others say it just isn't ready yet.


  • 由于验证消息应该本地化,因而验证逻辑需要使用之前准备好的Ajax实用程序针对各类有效性问题显示特定于本地语言环境消息

    Because the validation message should be localized, the validation logic should use the Ajax utility prepared before to get locale-specific messages displayed for each type of validity issues.


  • 现在已经准备好把应用程序推进Azure托管生产环境的级别,饱和的负荷来运行它。

    Production. Now you're ready to promote the application to the Azure hosting Production environment and run the application with a full workload.


  • 第1部分中,我们讨论了服务发现机制准备好了包含Web服务目标环境

    In Part 1 you explored the service discovery mechanisms and prepared the target environments containing Web services.


  • 然而参加一场公开水域赛事的时候,你需要准备好面对各种不同环境

    However, when you enter the water for an open water event, you need to be prepared for all sorts of different conditions.


  • 现在我们已经准备集群环境接下来可以运行并行程序了,并且可以根据需要添加删除节点使用Ganglia来监视节点的状态

    Now that the cluster is ready, you can run parallel programs, add or remove new nodes based on need, and monitor the status with Ganglia.


  • 也许是因为动作大脑准备好了,让它来扫描环境寻求朝着目标迈进的机会

    Perhaps it's because the act of writing primes your brain to scan the environment, looking for opportunities that will take you toward your objectives.


  • 这种类型实验通常离线实验用户调研之后完成的,并且系统已经准备好在生产环境使用。

    This type of experiment is usually conducted when off-line and user studies were done, and the system is ready to run in the production state.


  • 他们准备好了这种全球化环境生存

    They are ready to live in this global environment.


  • 在正心情沮丧时候,是否准备好了顺利地适应一个全新环境呢?

    And still with the depressed status right now, are you ready to softland that new pressure in a brandnew environment at will?


  • 它能体现这个申请人是否已经准备好、愿意有能力严峻学校环境取得成功

    It shows us that applicants are ready, willing, and able to succeed in a rigorous academic environment.


  • 奈良美智主人翁一个小孩,无论是想像著辽阔的未知世界或是早已身困充满未知的世界,她总是抱持著好奇心,随时准备勇敢面对环境

    Nara's figure is a youthful child, dreaming of the greater unknown or, if caged in the unknown already, fearlessly preparing and curious for new encounters and circumstances.


  • 奈良美智主人翁一个小孩,无论是想像著辽阔的未知世界或是早已身困充满未知的世界,她总是抱持著好奇心,随时准备勇敢面对环境

    Nara's figure is a youthful child, dreaming of the greater unknown or, if caged in the unknown already, fearlessly preparing and curious for new encounters and circumstances.


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进来说说原因吧 确定