• 冶金炉内高温凝结拆除爆破采用橡胶石棉矿渣隔热难以满足安全要求

    It is difficult to use rubber asbestos or stag wool as insulating material to meet the safety requirements in the blasting of removing high temperature clinker in metal furnace.


  • 难熔内含中的那种认为最早形成的太阳星云凝结

    The same minerals that occur in refractory inclusions are believed to be the earliest-formed substances to have condensed out of the solar nebula.


  • 加略特也这样的工作例如凝结物

    Garriott will be tasked with similar grunt work, like pumping out condensation.


  • 虽然张戏剧性的照片很像凝结模样,颜色变化明亮高原沉积还是有所不同的。

    Although the dramatic image resembles the patterns made by an oil slick, the colour variations are from the bright layered deposits on the plateau.


  • 发射上天化学通常干冰碘化银它们应该能为水蒸汽提供一个表面凝结雨滴

    The chemicals fired into the sky, usually dry ice or silver iodide, are supposed to provide a surface for water vapour to form liquid rain.


  • 波义耳以哲学方式诠释了“元素”,的“第一凝结物一个“元素”意同形异的概念

    Boyle annotated the element by means of philosophy his "the first coagulum" was a notion which was synonymous with element.


  • 凝结过滤器利用网络捕获空气中的细小微粒溶胶

    Setting things filter is using fabric network in the air the tiny particles captured and micro sol.


  • 需要处理液体较大过滤器分离器采用自动排放方式压缩空气一级过滤装置凝结过滤器和分离器。

    Need to deal with large amount of liquid separator filters and all adopts automatic emissions way, if the level of compressed air filter device, condensation content filters and separator.


  • 最好凝结过滤器上游端设置微粒过滤器捕获较大的尘埃碎片延长凝结物过滤器使用寿命。

    The best things in the setting of the upstream filter set to capture particle filters larger dust or debris, prolong the service life of the condensate content filter.


  • 因为防水胶圈温度影响热胀冷缩出现空隙加速老化从而引起进水和表内出现凝结物严重使机件损坏

    Because the waterproof apron will be affected by temperature gap and accelerating aging and cause water table appeared in water and heat bilges cold shrink, serious will make parts damage.


  • 意味着其他化合重要——反之而言,当今假设以硫酸构成云凝结气候模型需要作出修改

    That suggests other compounds are important, too-and this, in turn, implies that current climate models, which assume most seeds are made of ammonia or sulphuric acid, may require revision.


  • 另外凝结过滤器应当严格按照设定程序使用寿命到了时候加以更换

    In addition, the content filters should also in strict accordance with the setup program in service life, and when he came to replace.


  • 装有水蒸气玻璃瓶放进干冰酒精混合中的时候,就会使得水蒸气凝结晶体

    When the glass bottle containing water and water vapor is placed in a mixture of dry ice and alcohol, the sudden cold will make the water vapor condense into ice crystals.


  • 「建立真空」 (正常操作下)时,空气入口处不可凝结蒸汽中的含量以及凝结必须抽汽器排出

    When " holding " ( during normal operation ), non condensable, which are coming from air ingress and oxygen content in steam and condensate, must also be extracted normally by main ejectors.


  • 石膏氟化生产过程中的副产品水化缓慢凝结能力,且污染环境

    The fluorin gypsum is the byproduct in producing fluorid, which is of slow hydratation, poor concreting and pollution environment.


  • 木蜜一些分泌液体干燥凝结地中海白腊,这凝结物以前用作

    The dried exudate of certain plants, as that of the Mediterranean ash tree, formerly used as a laxative.


  • 琥珀半宝石形状石头数千万年前树液凝结

    The amber is one-and-a-half kind of gem shape stone, the many years ago it once was the secretion coagulum .


  • 铝酸钙水泥异常凝结行为与其水化严结构、成生长等因素有关。

    The structure, nucleation and growth of the hydration products contribute to the behavior.


  • 最好凝结时间同时雾化雾化低于第一反应含有液体温度第二进行

    Preferably, the condensation takes place on a simultaneously atomized second liquid of lower temperature than the atomized liquid containing the first reactant.


  • 凝血素任一细胞质特定碳水化合结合糖蛋白,实验室中用来加速淋巴细胞的繁殖血细胞凝结

    Any of several plant glycoproteins that bind to specific carbohydrate groups on the plasma membrane of cells, used in the laboratory to stimulate proliferation of lymphocytes and to _ red blood cells.


  • 使玉米麸质脱水方法使用有效多种阴离子聚合凝结剂,所述阴离子型聚合包含种或多种阴离子单体

    The method of dewatering corn gluten uses an effective amount of a coagulant of one or more anionic polymers, the anionic polymers comprising one or more anionic monomers.


  • AT通过参与血液凝固蛋白酶形成复合,抑制凝结作用

    At inhibits coagulant action by forming a complex with the protease involved in blood coagulation.


  • 中国石油兰州石化公司合成橡胶厂将碳四、苯乙烯、丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯嵌段共聚等装置凝结收集后,先用于丁腈硬聚合用盐水加热,换热后的回水用于凝聚洗涤用水

    The condensed water from plants of C4 , styrene and ABS was recycled and applied to heat salt water in production of acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber, and then used for agglomerating and washing.


  • 酸乳酪一种具有酸味的蛋奶糕状细菌作用的牛奶凝结物制得,

    A custardlike food with a tart flavor, prepared milk curdled by bacteria, especially Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus, and often sweetened or flavored with fruit.


  • 风口凝结物中的存在形式金属铅锌合金

    Zinc in coagulation in tuyere existed in the state of metal Zn or lead-zinc alloy.


  • 风口凝结物中的存在形式金属铅锌合金

    Zinc in coagulation in tuyere existed in the state of metal Zn or lead-zinc alloy.


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