It underscores the degree to which this story is part of a literary genre, part of a literary convention, how much the Exodus story itself is very much a literary story.
Now, the historical value of the Exodus story has fascinated scholars, but also lay people, for generations.
The story in Exodus has high drama, and lots of folkloric elements including this contest between Moses and Aaron on the one hand and the magicians of Egypt on the other hand.
In the same way, I can celebrate the Exodus without seeing it as a purely historic event.
So let me first say a little bit about the story line, and some of the themes at the beginning of Exodus, the first six or seven chapters.
This refers to the stories in Exodus about the tabernacle, "the tent of testimony."
One thing that most people do in fact agree on is that the oldest account of the event is a poetic fragment 12 that's found in Exodus 15, verses one to 12, in particular.
What is it that sets up the story of the exodus and conquest of the Promised Land?
And so the mixed group that would join together to become Israel accepted Yahweh, though perhaps not exclusively, and adopted the national story of the Exodus as its own at some point.
And so the mixed group that would join together to become Israel accepted Yahweh, though perhaps not exclusively, and adopted the national story of the Exodus as its own at some point.