So a hypervisor (regardless of the type) is just a layered application that abstracts the machine hardware from its guests.
In layered applications, which J2EE applications frequently are, it is important to perform authorization at all layers — but particularly at the lowest layer.
I find this aspect of static analysis important when trying to understand how an application works, and to ensure that a layered approach is being followed within the system architecture.
At an architectural level, they desired clean application layering in order to improve modifiability and maintainability.
However, just having the proper components does not make your application properly layered.
Layering also promotes loose coupling, because the internal workings of each layer can be changed without affecting other layers or applications.
The more complexity and layers that are involved, the more difficult it is to troubleshoot an application.
If you follow best practices, such as layering your application, changes can be applied with minimal effort.
You'll know which portions of an application can safely live in a database and which will need to be moved further up the stack to a different layer.
It offers many new features for application developers, hierarchical data structure support, and improved query capabilities across multiple instances of the database.
Trees in GUI applications provide an intuitive means of data navigation by organizing information in a hierarchical structure.
The layered approach establishes a clean-cut separation between the application logic and the parsing.
A topic provides a hierarchical naming structure so that applications (subscribers) can register varying degrees of interest.
A common architectural strategy is to layer your application into different class types.
It provides a layered J2EE framework for building complex enterprise applications.
This extended use of the execution flow notation is motivated by the need to provide a hierarchy of data representation, which is necessary for large-scale, distributed traces.
在您的MicrosoftCOM +应用程序利用分层架构是特别的明显。
This is true particularly if your Microsoft COM + applications make use of a layered architecture.
This pattern encourages you to treat an application in layers -- presentation, domain, data access.
The technical framework, which provides the essential building blocks for creating an application, is made more implementation-specific by layering an application framework on top of it.
Modern applications have layers, and you can normally make them more efficient by adding caches between layers.
Scaling an application involves understanding the flow of data in this tiered environment, and looking for bottlenecks.
Application contexts can be configured in a hierarchy where a child application context can see beans defined in a parent, but not vice versa.
分层次的业务对象(Hierarchical Business Objects)——表示多个应用程序实体,比如父-子关系。
Hierarchical Business Objects - Represents multiple application entities, such as a parent-child relationship.
You'll create this hierarchy using a Dojo tree with lazy loading to make the application more efficient.
A framework will add layering to an application. In general, they divide applications in three layers.
An important feature of the tiered membership model is that applications that use the membership system are not bound to a specific data store.
This topic suggests a scheme for dividing the application into different parts that correspond to the layers in an overall layering diagram.
A framework will add layering to an application. In general, they divide applications in three layers.
At the application layer of the ISO stack, a Layer-7 switch looks only for application-specific protocols such as HTTP, to direct to appropriate destinations.
The former is very effective for application programs with aggregate short loops, and the latter is mainly applied to data memory with data functionally grouped.