Partial rigid restraint like top slab and column will increase the wall's stress.
且当行车快速水平移动时与吊具保持刚性约束,避免 吊具发生自由摆动。
The traveling crane maintains rigidity restriction with the lifting appliance in rapid horizontal shift, thus avoiding free swing of the lifting appliance.
Finally, an important role of local map is shown in the dynamical analysis of a given nonlinear dynamical system with rigid constraints.
Because this method is not based on the constraint of rigidity, it can solve the correspondence problem of nonrigid motion.
A description and analysis of constraints are given for the ideal case where the end-effector of a single robot manipulator is in contact with rigid environments.
It is observed that results from the critical stabilization must be applied in the construction of the stabilizing law for a tethered satellite system when the tether is assumed rigid and massless.
Restricted by both institutional structure and dated industrial technologies, the industrial structure of these cities has already been highly rigid.
Taking the effects of geometrical nonlinearity into account, a general theory of composite thin walled bar is established under the combinational deformation of tension, compression and torsion.
Taking the effects of geometrical nonlinearity into account, a general theory of composite thin walled bar is established under the combinational deformation of tension, compression and torsion.