• 看来,我们需要一些创造思维找到方法帮助这种处境下公司在竞争保持领先地位同时维持其技术竞争力

    In my view, some creative thinking needs to come in here to find ways to help companies in this situation to stay ahead in the game, but at the same time, to remain technologically competitive.


  • 一些科学家特别是年轻科学家交谈时,可能会有这样一种印象他们认为科学方法”可以代替创造思维

    In talking to some scientists, particularly younger ones, you might gather the impression that they find the "scientific method" a substitute for imaginative thought.


  • 和一些科学家特别是年轻科学家交谈时,可能会有这样一种印象他们认为科学方法”可以代替创造思维

    In talking to scientists, particularly younger ones, you might gather the impression that they find the "scientific method" a substitute for imaginative thought.


  • 创造性的思维产生创新方法

    Creative thinking leads to an innovative approach.


  • 当然创造思维营销方法关键- - -但是酒店经营者应该如何把精力集中到这里呢?

    Creative thinking and marketing is certainly key - but where should hoteliers focus their efforts?


  • 第五部分论述了研究创造思维机制方法意义

    Part five: the significance of studying the mechanism and methods of creative thinking.


  • 案例教学作为一种新的教学方法激发学生创造思维提高分析决策能力方面具有不可替代优点

    Case teaching as a new teaching method has advantages in arousing students' creative thought and improving the analysing ability and the ability of making a strategic decision.


  • 创造思维包括自己提出问题然后沿着新的非常规解决方向发明出一种方法

    Creative thinking involves posing oneself a problem and then originating or inventing a solution along new and unconventional lines.


  • 第四部分论述了创造思维具体科学方法

    Part four: the specific scientific methods of creative thinking.


  • 语文教师语文教学培养学生的创造思维品质能力方法

    A language teacher must be equipped with creative teaching skills in addition to creative consciousness and knowledge.


  • 文章创造思维化学教学中的创造思维教育了详细论述尤其对化学教学如何培养学生创造思维方法作了阐述

    This paper expounds on creative thought and creative thought education in chemistry teaching in detail, and especially expounds on how to foster students' method of creative thought.


  • 项目管理独特思维方式过程分析方法这个一切都即将成为项目的社会创造非凡的价值

    Project management with its unique way of thinking, process analysis, all for this project will be to create extraordinary value.


  • 怀疑方法一种创造思维方法,是对怀疑论超越,它对于人类认识实践具有重要意义。

    The method of doubt is a creative thought pattern that surpasses the skepticism and does a great good to human beings' cognition and practice.


  • 形成科学问题需要联想类推创造思维方法以及准备的头脑”等主体条件

    Forming scientific problem needs the creative thought methods including association, analogy etc. and needs the subjectival condition "the prepared brains".


  • 本文考察了科学逻辑方法创造思维活动中的运用三种科学逻辑方法反向求索法、发散求异法模型类比法

    This paper investigates the applications of the logic methodology to creative thinking activities. The three logical methods are reversed search, diverging search and model analogy.


  • 通过工业设计专业工程制图教学实践研究了提高学生创造思维能力的教学方法

    With the practice of teaching on engineering graphics of industrial design, the teaching methods that are able to improve the creative thinking ability of students are thoroughly studied.


  • 怀疑主义独特久远哲学学说怀疑方法是一种具有重要意义创造思维方法

    Skepticism is a unique philosophical theory with a long history. Skeptical thinking is a unique creative thinking of great value.


  • 该文阐明《大学物理培养工科学生思维能力独特作用培养革新创造能力的特殊作用,指明进行创造思维技能和常规思维技能训练方法

    It points out the special role of college physics on fostering studentS 'thinking ability and creative power, and provides a method performing conventional and creative thinking skill training.


  • 构造性解题方法没有固定模式运用需要敏锐观察力丰富的联想灵活构思创造性的思维等能力

    Constructive solutions have not fixed modes. To use the means, we need acute observation, abundant association, flexible conceive and creative thinking.


  • 研究菱形思维方法模拟创造思维活动,并应用加工中心方案设计问题。

    In this paper, the human creativity thinking activity is researched by using rhombus thought method, and the method is applied to design the cutter storehouse scheme of machining center.


  • 形象人们长期社会生活,运用形象思维方法创造典型

    Phoenix Culture originated from the phoenix totem worship in Dong - yi Culture. And the form of phoenix is a model created by means of people's images during a long social lives.


  • 思想处于”的状态,这激发创造思维有效方法但是很多把玩工作分开。

    Allowing your mind to be at play is perhaps the most effective way to stimulate creative thinking, and yet many people disassociate play from work.


  • 本文讨论概率统计教学开展创造教育,培养学生创造思维方法不仅提高了教学质量,而且充分调动了学生学习的积极性主动性。

    The methods of developing students creative thinking and how to develop creative education in the teaching "Probability and Statistics" are discussed in the paper.


  • 符合客观现实规律的前提下,写作善于综合运用各种创造思维方法使文章富有创见、目一新。

    So, in accord with objective law, if we are good at utilizing various creative thinking modes in Practical writing, we will write out articles that are abundant in original ideas.


  • 最后研究中学数学教学如何有效地培养学生创造思维能力方法具体的实施流程

    Finally out in secondary mathematics teaching students how to effectively develop creative thinking methods and specific implementation process.


  • 运用现代科学方法创造诠释墨辩改造转型人们思维工具之一,当代传统文化研究领域一个重要学术增长点

    To creatively explain Mohist Canons and to transfer Mohist Canons into tools for thinking, which is an important academic growth point in the research of traditional culture.


  • 启发式教学艺术,是培养学生创造思维有效方法

    Heuristic teaching is a kind of education art. It is an effective method to foster the students' creative thinking ability.


  • 首次采用模糊综合评判方法创造提出了配色设计模糊综合评价数学模型,结果表明模型能够好的模拟领域专家思维逻辑配色方案进行评价;

    The method of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is applied to color scheming for the first time, which is proved to be effective in modeling the evaluation logic of experts.


  • 首次采用模糊综合评判方法创造提出了配色设计模糊综合评价数学模型,结果表明模型能够好的模拟领域专家思维逻辑配色方案进行评价;

    The method of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is applied to color scheming for the first time, which is proved to be effective in modeling the evaluation logic of experts.


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