In their experiment, Sherman and Allen asked participants to take a very difficult 12-question test that requires creative thinking.
In the moment of creative thinking your conscious mind becomes a creator-it partakes of the power of Universal mind.
Sufficient preparations of traditional knowledge, modern knowledge, advanced technology and instruments need to be made for the creative thought in the basic researches on TCM.
While giving participants various challenges that required creative thinking, they made them act out various metaphors.
Both of problem driven and solution driven cognitive strategies are the indications of creative thinking. They have their own characteristics, which may not be compared.
In seeking the best method of problem-solving creative and critical thinking are needed, and they both supplement each other.
More and more researchers had paid full attentions on the relationship between emotion and creative thinking. They tried hard to find out a stable mechanism but failed.
Our definition, which is rooted in the school's mission, is as follows: '"Every learner is empowered and inspired to think critically and creatively at the appropriate level of challenge."
Our definition, which is rooted in the school's mission, is as follows: '"Every learner is empowered and inspired to think critically and creatively at the appropriate level of challenge."