• 他们就是看不到任何前进之路

    They just couldn't see any way forward.


  • 挡住前进之路,我也知道这点。

    I've been standing in his way and I think he knows that.


  • 不断分析困难原因才能寻求出前进之路

    The only way-out to advance step by step is to analyse the causes of those difficulties progressively.


  • 通用汽车其他美国汽车制造商前进充满坎坷危险

    The road ahead for GM and the other American carmakers is still potholed and slippery.


  • 无法改变红线就意味着打开前进之路各方不得不承担一些战术上风险

    The inability to shift red lines means all sides will have to take tactical risks to open up a pathway forward.


  • 福特公司一月份宣布前进之路计划,公司前景及其员工未来就显得一片惨淡

    WHEN Ford unveiled its plan for a "Way Forward" in January, the future of the company and its workers seemed pretty bleak.


  • 福特公司一月份宣布前进之路计划,公司前景及其员工未来就显得一片惨淡

    WHEN Ford unveiled its plan for a “Way Forward” in January, the future of the company and its workers seemed pretty bleak.


  • 然而相信诗人行为并非时代背道而驰,而是尝试修复人类前进之路精神创伤

    However I believe that doesn't mean poets' behaviors run retrorsely against the time, they are trying to repair the mental trauma of people on the road.


  • 衰退不是使顾客热情减少了,而只是使顾客的热情被掩盖住了。现代汽车的担保计划受到如此多的追捧时,担保计划还不是唯一前进

    But while its Assurance Program received heavy support, it wasn't the sole route of advance.


  • 经过多年拖延现在一项条约找出前进之路时候了,新条约将以可验证方式终止用于核武器的裂变材料生产,从而一劳永逸地解决这个问题。

    And after years of delay, it's time to find a path forward on a new treaty that verifiably ends the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons — ends it once and for all.


  • 真的我们可能继续沿着非洲现代人类前进

    It really made it possible for us to continue along the path toward modern humans in Africa.


  • 总是信仰寄托上帝能为些什么修行前进有后退因为就是现实生活的样子。

    If you are always basing your faith on God's activity, which would be the circumstances of life, then your spiritual walk is just up and down, up and down, because that is what circumstances do.


  • 人类幸福就是坚定不移沿着做好事大道前进那些坚毅而又最诚挚工作常常最成功的人。

    The road of human welfare lies along the old highway of steadfast well-doing; and they who are the most persistent, and work in the truest spirit, will usually be the most successful.


  • 因为我们权威保护你们帮助你们在扬上,我们已经支持你们那些按照你们自由意志选择权选择了作为你们的下一个的人们。

    Also with our authority to protect you and help you onto the path of Ascension, we have supported those of you who by your freewill choice have chosen it as your next evolutionary step forward.


  • 人们前进方向不同见解我们要勇于尝试才能找到通往成功

    Good people will have different views on the best path forward, and we will try many efforts before we succeed.


  • 我们接受“不完整性人生一部分时,当我们在人生之路不断前进并且欣赏生命美时,我们获得别人只能渴望的完整的人生。

    When we accept that imperfection is part of being human, and when we can continue rolling through life and appreciate it, we will have achieved a wholeness that others can only aspire to.


  • 如今幼小的孩童,就熟练地操纵语言我们才意识已经进化之路前进远。

    Now, a little child could have language at its finger ends, while we are on to we have advanced so far in evolution road.


  • 所下定每个决心,所采取每次行动要么有助于沿着自己心中的成功之路前进,要么就与抵触

    Every decision you make, every action you take is either in support of or in opposition to your achievement of whatever you have determined as your own individual success.


  • 丰富多彩的内容充实了人生引领着崎岖颠簸的人生中不断前进

    That abundant and colorful contents, enriched my life, guide me to go forward continuously in the road of the life .


  • 总是前进的,那些已经失去了他们真实自我全部感觉灵魂们最终找到他们的走向回家

    It is always ongoing, and those souls that have lost all sense of their true selves, will eventually find their way back home to the Light.


  • 是的我们容许指引你们前进你们觉知力,然则终究遴选一直都是你们自己的,作为自己退化之路发现者们。

    Yes, we have been allowed to guide you and advance your understanding, but the final choice has been yours as the creators of your own evolution.


  • 实际上马克思形而上学之路前进距离不能过高估计

    In fact, the distance Marx led to oppose the old metaphysics should not be overestimated.


  • 法官阁下有时候现实面貌具有那么咄咄逼人道德色彩,使我们无法遵循已开辟出来的方便前进

    There are times, your honor, when reality bears features of such an impellingly moral complexion that it is impossible to follow the hewn path of expediency.


  • 有了这样基础我们就可以携手前进任何风雨我们合作友谊之路就会越走越宽广

    With this foundation, we can handle any storm together on the way forward, and ours will be a broad road to cooperation and friendship.


  • 我们接受了―不完整性人生一部分时,当我们在人生之路上不断前进并且欣赏生命美时我们获得了别人只能渴望完整的人生。

    When weaccept that imperfection is part of being human, and when we cancontinue rolling through life and appreciate it, we will haveachieved a wholeness that others can only aspire to.


  • 这样基础,我们可以携手共前进上的任何风雨,我们的合作之路友谊之路就会越走越宽广。

    By doing this, we will be able to move forward, hand in hand, despite wind and rain, along the path of cooperation and friendship.


  • 很快大多数人们就会重回欢快,轻松前进所有这一切都应该感谢我们仁慈秘密工作心理免疫系统

    Soon enough most of us are on our merry way again with a bounce in our step, all thanks to the merciful but covert work of the psychological immune system.


  • 很快大多数人们就会重回欢快,轻松前进所有这一切都应该感谢我们仁慈秘密工作心理免疫系统

    Soon enough most of us are on our merry way again with a bounce in our step, all thanks to the merciful but covert work of the psychological immune system.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定