He says the decision by the Supreme Court is a basis to go forward.
History serves as the basis for further advance and provides inspiration for the future.
Science and technology is productivity, the modern civilization foundation and the core motivity that go forward.
I think it's a great next step for the framework, and I believe it lays some good foundation for future versions.
So it is with self-discipline. Anyone can start from where they are and go from there.
The Alliance provides an opportunity to network, collaborate and coordinate activities to achieve the goals set out in the Kampala Declaration and Agenda for Global Action.
在全球经济不景气的情况下,签署国将探讨如何在当前进展的基础上保持IHP +的承诺和势头。
With the global economy in distress, the signatories will reflect on how to build on the current progress and maintain the IHP + commitments and momentum.
Aubrey DE Grey is a man of ideas, and he has set himself toward the goal of transforming the basis of what it means to be human.
You can build this by pushing yourself - read and try out the foundational materials and push yourself into challenging areas to build your knowledge.
In Heffner's opinion, SOA practitioners are moving towards a business capability architecture to provide a new foundation for their technology strategy.
The truth will bite at many accepted beliefs and practices, and it is intended to allow a great step forward.
It is important to have advanced forecast method for geologist before tunnel construction, because the tunnel has the feature of complicated geological environment and lack of basic information.
As we move forward, let us build on our past success to promote cleaner sports.
Had we been around 6 years ago we would have built more of a legacy system and, of course, once you have a large installed base it's much harder to change your product.
The new century figure research should go forward on the basis of sorting out figure heritage of twentieth century.
On the basis of our practice, this paper analyzes the necessity of teaching design before creating medical video teaching material and summarizes some experience of teaching design.
As the basis for unity becomes stronger, our work will move forward.
"She called for a immediate," peaceful way forward "based on a dialogue with all parts of civil society."
After discussing existing methods of construction simulation, an ameliorated analysis method of cycle-forward is developed, which is based on the method of cycle-forward and ANSYS software.
The basis of your life is absolute freedom, the goal is joy, and the result of that perfect combination is motion forward, or growth.
The study of basic theory relates directly to the great advance of philosophy and the fate of it as well.
With this foundation, we can handle any storm together on the way forward, and ours will be a broad road to cooperation and friendship.
作者认为审美心理学要继续前进 ,就必须更深入地探讨人类审美心理的生理基础。
The author holds that if the asethetic psychology wants to advance on, it must go deep into the research of asethetic physiologic foundation.
The inclination of this system to the progressive self-organization defines it as one of the fundamental and basic system in the development of inorganic matter.
The value of the results of the study lies in its study of AIDS treatment around the world the scientists pointed out the way forward, in order to find a new innovative treatment of AIDS foundation.