Focuss on the phrases that you find most interesting, or perhaps just the refrain.
From the street of the whites a high-pitched, nasal tenor sings the chorus of "Only a Bird in a Gilded Cage."
Even if you only know the refrains of your favourite songs, that's enough for you to learn hundreds of foreign-language words and phrases.
"I won't change my life, my life's just fine," the chorus runs, and then extends-probably electronically-as the word "fine" keeps repeating.
And now "Get crunk," as I was aware from having heard it before, involves the consistent refrain of "Get crunk" Extremely bad word, "Get crunk" Extremely bad word, and so I said "no."
It's the signal that a romantic relationship is serious, an indication of closeness for a sibling, parent, or child, and a constant refrain for pop songs.
"Stick to your own kind," goes the "West Side Story" refrain, a phenomenon that sociologists call homophily: love of the same.
But they start dancing and flapping their arms like clucking chickens and as the chorus starts, the language of the lyrics sound mostly like barnyard noises as they squawk.
Butt they start dancing and flapping their arms like clucking chickens and as the chorus starts, the language of the lyrics sound mostly like barnyard noises as they squawk.
Chorus: An ensemble performing the non-solo portion of a musical theatre production or opera or oratorio is generally called a chorus or chorale.
The chorus, however, offers a toast to pleasant memories, which is why the song is appropriate for an occasion like the end of the year.
The chorus, however, offers a toast to pleasant memories, which is why the song is appropriate for an occasion like the end of the year.