An experiment called functional magnetic resonance imaging as illustrated here.
However, the fMRI acupuncture investigation is still in its early stage, and needs further improvements.
Researchers hooked men and women up to functional MRI machines while the participants played a video game designed for the study.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has begun to reveal how the strong emotion starts to emerge in the brain.
The Whole Brain atlas, hosted by the Harvard Medical School, displays pictures from MRI to fMRI in various disease states.
Using functional MRI (FMRI), researchers found that this system encodes prediction error when participants made prediction.
To decode this process, many studies use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), which tracks brain activity by measuring blood flow through the brain.
The lighting up of certain brain regions leads to increased blood flow to active areas, and this is what you see in an fMRI image.
最近的这项由医学研究委员会临床科学家Rachel Baterham博士领导的研究使用了功能核磁共振成像。
This latest research, led by Medical Research Council clinician scientist Dr Rachel Batterham, used functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI).
In recent years, brain-imaging techniques, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have allowed scientists to observe the brain in action and determine how groups of neurons function.
Then subjects spent two nights in a sleep lab, where they again followed their preferred sleep patterns and underwent cognitive testing twice daily while in a functional MRI scanner.
As the subjects listened, their brains were scanned with functional magnetic resonance imaging, which tracked their mental activity.
In studies, he gave subjects a chance to deceive for monetary gain while examining their brains in a functional MRI machine, which maps blood flow to active parts of the brain.
And again in one of the functional magnetic insonance image experiments, we could ask Mike to examine faces verse other things.
The functional magnetic resonance imaging scans revealed that the brains of those living in cities reacted differently to stress, the researchers report in the journal Nature.
The scientists monitored the dreamers with both magnetic resonance imaging and near-infrared spectroscopy to see patterns of heat in their subject's heads, which gives a picture of brain activity.
The results of our fMRI study indicate that during reactivation in the wake state, mainly the lateral [pre-frontal cortex] is activated.
The fMRI method may shed light on severe premenstrual symptoms, too.
In one series of experiments, researchers put people in vegetative or minimally conscious states into fMRI scanners and asked them to think about playing tennis.
At each stage, researchers observed their brain activity using functional MRIs when they were shown food and nonfood items.
Typically, these are recent imaging methods like CAT scan and PET scan and fMRI which, as I said before, show parts of your brain at work.
He and his colleagues in Germany used functional MRI to study the brain activity of healthy volunteers from urban and rural areas.
An MRI of his brain and cervical spine has confirmed the presence of dysmyelination.
An MRI of his brain and cervical spine has confirmed the presence of dysmyelination.