The present state of study and comprehensive utilization of pineapple peel residues from processing is re viewed.
A new technique of reusing citrus wastes to produce ethanol, hesperidin and fodder by direct pressing and microbial fermentation was developed.
The main waste product, oxygen, they emit through their stomata in a watery belch.
Scrap iron is the production of waste and a major source of pollution factory. This paper presents one device design that can clean iron filings on machine automatically.
It's then processed using lactic acid, the waste product produced by bacteria in the meat.
Processing tar sands produces a high concentration of greenhouse gasses and can generate toxic waste products that pose an environmental risk.
The gains include less waste and the ability to make bespoke parts more easily.
Kebony stops wood from rotting by placing it in a VAT containing a substance called furfuryl alcohol, which is made from the waste left over when sugarcane is processed.
In both cases the feedstock is chippings and other leftovers from forestry and timber-mills.
That has caused problems for companies that specialise in recycling plastics from complex waste streams and depend on take-back laws for getting the necessary feedstock.
They have found applications in almost all the process industries for everything from roasting chocolate beans to freezing vegetables, recovering acetone to solidifying radioactive waste.
Provision for loading and unloading of raw materials for all dies, as well as part ejection and scrap removal will be covered during the die design.
Note that in many cases all of the powder used is present in the finished product, scrap losses will only occur when secondary machining operations are necessary.
The machines use products out of sand, stone, coal ash, cinder, coal gangue, ore tailings, ceramic, perlite and other industrial wastes processed into a variety of new wall materials.
The grape seed and skin, as the waste residue of machining, used to be threw or to be fermented as the fertilizer.
The figure includes sales of non-manufactured tobacco, tobacco cigarettes and tobacco waste.
Industry waste cement is a new type of soil strengthened agent completely from industrial waste and applied to deep mixing piles.
In the processing process of preparing the reclaimed rubber, the composition generates no waste gas, waste water and waste material.
He says cattle can also eat cannery waste and items rejected by vegetable processors — like misshapen green beans, carrots, even French fries.
Table S-3 contained a set of numerical values intended to quantify the radiological effluents associated with reprocessing, storage, and disposal of spent fuel and other wastes.
The rationale of reprocessing spent nuclear fuel is inevitably being questioned.
Plutonium can be extracted from nuclear wastes and expensively reused in special sorts of fuel, but it can also be fashioned into the fissile core of a weapon.
The additive of correcting metal penetration for green sand mold casting, made from the waste of oil further fabricated——namely DK material, is researched in this paper.
Based on discussion of its mechanism, the unconfined compression strength test is discussed and compared with ordinary cement-stabilized soil.
Metal waste and scrap from the manufacture of mechanical working of metals, and metal goods definitely not usable as such because of breakage, cutting-up, wear or other reasons.
The filter residue manufactures the disposable product by a method of aggregated compaction and addition of edible glue, so that waste materials are not generated in the whole process.
The filter residue manufactures the disposable product by a method of aggregated compaction and addition of edible glue, so that waste materials are not generated in the whole process.