A generic technique to avoid class-loading delays during the time-sensitive parts of your application is to preload classes during application startup or initialization.
Page loads went from essentially unnoticeable to several seconds when I switched over to this XPath expression, even on an unloaded local server.
This is lazy loading, or deferring the query as long as possible.
Applying lazy loading on a small amount of data results in multiple requests to the server, and the slow response might lead to user frustration.
If any of those sessions is broken, it could delay completing the map.
This behavior known as Lazy Loading ensures that dependents are only loaded as they are specifically requested and hence makes it possible to avoid unnecessary creation of objects.
If you cannot identify a working set ahead of time, then a lazy load is the next best option for filling a cache.
Lazy loading is turned off by default but this setting can be customized.
Database connection needs to be maintained for the duration of the multiple query cycle else a lazy loading exception is thrown, resulting in inadequate use of resources.
Lazy loading is a technique used to fetch data from the user database only when it's required.
If you rely on Connection Speed to understand the effect of page load time and latency we're working on a solution for you that we expect to have ready in the coming weeks.
If you rely on Connection Speed to understand the effect of page load time and latency, we're working on a solution for you that we expect to have ready in the coming weeks.
The problem is that you negate (or make it extremely complicated to) lazy load content, especially if you include all your widgets as part of a build.
Lazy loading of a tree can result in either a cheap or expensive operation, depending on the amount of data a tree will hold.
The cache can be warmed up with a "hot" set of data which is a subset of the all the records and the remaining data will be loaded lazily.
Ensuring performance using lightweight, lazily loaded objects.
The delay to load a class can commonly be as high as 10 milliseconds.
The plug-in manifest defines enough information to enable the Eclipse platform to postpone loading code while still recognizing the initial contributions of an extension.
This is the cornerstone of Eclipse's deferred plug-in load strategy.
It is a carte Blanche request to the workbench UI to activate a plug-in once the workbench window is opened, bypassing the deferred load strategy.
In this section, you create a lazy loaded Dojo tree using JsonRestStore.
You'll create this hierarchy using a Dojo tree with lazy loading to make the application more efficient.
Persevere 会执行延迟加载以便只有需要的数据才会被下载。
Persevere does lazy loading so that only the necessary data is downloaded.
Together, the TreeGrid and QueryReadStore are a powerful combination for lazy loading data.
TreeModel is in charge of certain tasks, such as connecting to the data source, lazy loading, and querying from the Tree widget about items and the hierarchy of items.
在本文中,学习使用基于Rest API的Dojo存储JsonRestStore创建一个延迟加载的dojo树。
In this article, learn to create a lazily loaded Dojo tree using the Rest API-based Dojo store JsonRestStore.
在本文中,学习使用基于Rest API的Dojo存储JsonRestStore创建一个延迟加载的dojo树。
In this article, learn to create a lazily loaded Dojo tree using the Rest API-based Dojo store JsonRestStore.