Labor productivity grew by only one percent in 1997, real GDP per capita grew more slowly in 1997 than it had on average between 1873 and 1973.
In fact, just about every change the company made had only one effect: increased worker productivity.
Unfortunately TFP is much harder to measure than labour productivity.
States with looser labour-and product-market regulations enjoy higher Labour productivity.
中国的数据给人印象深刻,在那里劳动生产率增加了7- 8%。
Even more impressive is China, where Labour productivity has risen by 7-8%.
They also help research managers track staff productivity and scientific impact.
In 2006, labor productivity in foreign-invested enterprise was nine times that of other companies (primarily soes).
It also expressed optimism about continuing productivity gains from rising levels of education and technology use.
The resulting fall in labour-productivity growth might cause alarm among some analysts, but TFP would remain strong.
The goal must be to create capital-intensive jobs that have labour productivity levels consistent with advanced country incomes.
The latest official figures suggest workers’ productivity in the first three months of 2011 was only 0.3% higher than a year before.
The widening gap between the Labour productivity increase and the consumption preference leads to the excess liquidity that feeds bubbles.
The supply of cheap agricultural labour dries up and a rising number of workers take jobs in the service sector, where productivity improvements are more difficult to achieve.
Italy and Spain have seen sharp rises in unit Labour costs and their labour-productivity growth has stalled or gone into reverse.
Though Spain still holds a big advantage in labor productivity over an up-and-coming country like South Korea, the gap is closing.
But so far this decade, workers' real pay in many developed economies has increased more slowly than Labour productivity.
In other words, the Koreans are not only working more hours than the Spanish, they're also improving their productivity on the job more quickly as well.
After months of tinkering, the work conditions were returned to the original state, and workers built more relays than they did in the exact same circumstances at the start of the experiment.
Europe improved its productivity performance considerably last year as it enjoyed its first year of strong economic growth since 2000.
Expressed in growth rates unit Labour costs are roughly equal to growth in wages minus the growth in Labour productivity, per widget.
Wages there rose faster than productivity in the year to the second quarter, leading to small increases in unit Labour costs, or moderate wage inflation.
Wages there rose faster than productivity in the year to the second quarter, leading to small increases in unit Labour costs, or moderate wage inflation.