• 知识通过勤奋刻苦学习即可掌握它或会因为过时而遭淘汰

    Knowledge can be learned through hard studying, but becoming out-of-date constantly.


  • 善良忠诚朋友,一位勤奋刻苦的学生,他崇尚公平竞争。

    He was a good and loyal friend, a hard worker, he valued fair play.


  • 只要还有勤奋刻苦学生厚厚的教辅中翻翻去、搔首踟蹰,费力地寻找似曾相识的题目解答,我们绝不会满足

    We can never be satisfied as long as there is still one hard-working student who has to be in perplexity and search arduously for a similar exercise from a high stack of books.


  • 今天,我们虽然输了永不言败”精神依然留在我们心中,我们这股劲儿用到学习,以勤奋刻苦精神争取学习冠军

    We lost the game, but we still had the spirit of never giving up. We should carry this spirit into our study, and work hard to become the winners in our study.


  • 查尔斯有名”埃格顿伯克郡马厩十分引人注目,蓄势待发作者是个勤奋刻苦爱尔兰人,一向沉默寡言的以爆炸式的传奇故事闻名遐迩。

    The Berkshire stables of Charles "Edgy" Egerton beckon and the author is put under the charge of Trigger, a tough, taciturn Irishman renowned for his legendary explosions.


  • 一直实力派运动员勤奋刻苦,是队友好榜样

    He was always a solid player, a hard worker, a great example to his teammates.


  • 少女的情郎带到雅典时(扮成男人),她机敏过人、勤奋刻苦他们罗马,她在该地教授“自由艺术”(即三艺)。

    When just a girl she was taken to Athens, (dressed as a man), by her lover. She was highly intelligent and studied hard and when they moved to Rome she taught the liberal arts (the trivium).


  • 所以同胞们,是,我们国家要求我们不能好逸恶劳,只能过刻苦勤奋生活

    I preach to you, then, my countrymen, that our country calls not for the life of ease, but for the life of strenuous endeavor.


  • 所以开创了自己事务所创造一支充满激情、勤奋刻苦自己的工作喜欢帮助企业家公司律师团队。

    That’s why I launched my own firm: to create a team of passionate, hard-working corporate lawyers who love what they do and love helping entrepreneurs.


  • 相信天才的,我只是相信勤奋只要刻苦钻研,一定会成绩

    I don't believe in genius, I just believe in diligence, as long as hard, will get good grades.


  • 天才就是无止境刻苦勤奋能力

    The genius is to have no destination assiduous diligence of ability.


  • 在校期间,本人一直勤奋学习刻苦钻研通过系统地学习掌握较为扎实基础知识

    In school, I have been studying hard and assiduously, through systematic study and master a solid foundation of knowledge.


  • 世上无所谓的天才,仅仅刻苦勤奋

    There is no such thing genius, it is nothing but labor and diligence.


  • 天才不容否认的,人们往往因此而忽略天才也离不开刻苦勤奋

    Genius is undeniable, but people tend to neglect the genius can not be separated from hard and diligently.


  • 老师们领到了丰厚的奖金工作更加勤奋同学们得到了鼓励学习更加刻苦

    Teachers received bonuses, work more hard, students got to encourage, study more hard.


  • 幸运是,康德是个非常受欢迎讲师而且工作勤奋刻苦所以勉强维持自己的生计

    Luckily for Kant, he was a popular lecturer and also an industrious one and so he eked out a meager living.


  • 上课认真听讲,充分利用自己空余时间勤奋刻苦学习不在这个春天里给自己留下遗憾

    And listen to teachers carefully in the class, make full use of our spare time to study. Don't leave your regret in spring.


  • 蚂蚁不仅教导我们勤奋刻苦,牠也是未雨绸缪好榜样

    And what the ant teaches is not simply to be industrious and hard-working. The ant is also a fine example of preparation for the future.


  • 每周十五个小时训练这项运动把锻炼一个勤奋刻苦、有目标、充满抱负的小孩。

    Practicing 15 hours a week, the sport molded me into a hard-working, goal-setting child filled with aspirations.


  • 一个温文尔雅,聪明伶俐女孩学习刻苦勤奋生活中乐于助人。这个奋发向上的女孩子就是杨旭敏。

    She is a cultured and bright girl. In the field of learning. She study hard . in life , she is helpful.


  • 在校其间,认真学习勤奋刻苦打下扎实专业基础注重实践能力培养

    During the school, I study earnestly, diligent assiduous, builds the solid specialized foundation, and pays great attention the practical ability the raise.


  • 唐伯虎拜师,画家沈周门下,学习自然更加刻苦勤奋掌握绘画技艺很快,深受沈周称赞

    Tang Bohu masters, worship in the painter Shen Zhou door, learning more diligent, to master painting skills quickly, praised by Shen Zhou.


  • 平湖中学学生聪明勤奋;平湖中学的老师刻苦才能,他们希望学生立志在未来取得重大成就

    The students at Pinghu Middle school are bright and diligent and the staff of teachers are talented, hard working professionals who want their students to aspire to great achievement in life.


  • 一位年轻诚挚的禅宗弟子走近老师,向禅学大师问道如果非常刻苦勤奋地学习,要多长时间才能悟透的真义呢?

    A young but earned Zen student approached his teacher, and asked the Zen Master: "If I work very hard and diligently how long will it take for me to find Zen?"


  • 一位年轻诚挚的禅宗弟子走近老师,向禅学大师问道如果非常刻苦勤奋地学习,要多长时间才能悟透的真义呢?

    A young but earned Zen student approached his teacher, and asked the Zen Master: "If I work very hard and diligently how long will it take for me to find Zen?"


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